What’s new in WordPress 3.7, “Basie”

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Written By Brian Krogsgard

17 thoughts on “What’s new in WordPress 3.7, “Basie””

  1. Thank you for laying it all out.

    This update should improve security by doing something to deal with two of the major exploitable area: out of date versions and poor passwords.

    I didn’t realize how much was going into 3.7. I blinked and it was here. This is all really great. Huge appreciation for all the people who spent time and energy on this.

  2. Listing search results by relevance doesn’t work for my site — is there a way to turn it off? To go back to listing results chronologically?

  3. Yay! finally the better search. I am using Google custom search on my sites, now I think I should remove it and give the new improved native WordPress search a Spin!

  4. WP now adds class menu-item-has-children in menu item if menu item has children. I like these kind of details.

  5. I have the same concern as expressed by “Arafin Shaon” above: not all themes are automatically compatible with new WordPress versions, so the possibility of problems is very real. Anyone knows if this new ‘automatic update’ feature can be turned off?

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