No rest for the wicked. WordPress 4.6 development is officially underway. To start, 4.6 Release Lead Dominik Schilling (you may better know him as Ocean90) has followed the recent trend of opening up Make Core for an ideas “wishlist”. There are already dozens of requests, and it’s a good time to add your own.
Below are a few standouts so far (in my personal opinion). I’m linking to the comments on the post itself, many of which link to relevant Trac tickets for getting involved:
- Improving the user experience for setting a static page as the home page
- Adding a media capability to default widgets (same link as above: go Mel!), or maybe just add to the text widget
- Custom post statuses
- Native multi-author support (same link as above, go me!)
- A UI for multi-role functionality
- Custom comment types
- All things HTTPS
- Save unpublished changes on published posts
There are obviously way more on the post. Another that Joe and I talked about on the podcast was to finally include or fork or do something with a more advanced “select” framework the way you see in Chosen or Select2. Previous efforts were derailed for accessibility issues, if I recall correctly, and I think getting through remaining issues would open up some other user interface driven issues around the WordPress admin.
Also, two feature projects weren’t mentioned as much in this post, but I feel like maybe it’s because desire for them is pretty saturated and everyone knows they’d be good, but obviously the WordPress REST API endpoints and the Fields API should be on folks mind as well.