WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Envato getting into video app space

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Brian Krogsgard
In a bit of a surprise move, Envato is getting into the video mobile app space. With a clever video app that nicely highlights their VideoHive market, the new Envato Video app allows people to create simple marketing videos, straight…

Quartz is a business oriented news…

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Quartz is a business oriented news website owned by Atlantic Media, and it is also using WordPress on the backend, with a custom REST API to power much of their distribution (to apps, the website, newsletter, etc). Here's an analysis…

WordFence — a security plugin to…

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WordFence -- a security plugin to boot -- has an XSS vulnerability that was recently patched. VaultPress posted more about it, but if you run this plugin, you need to update.

WP Engine requiring mass password reset on all accounts

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Brian Krogsgard
  WP Engine sent emails to all existing (and apparently many former) customers stating that they needed to reset every password associated with their account: While we have no evidence that the information was used inappropriately, as a precaution, we…

Mel Choyce is now one of…

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Mel Choyce is now one of five females with commit access to WordPress, and she shares her experience learning about the privilege on her blog. Another great thing about her and Michael Arestad getting commit? It's a big and needed…

WordPress 4.4, “Clifford”, released

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 4.4, “Clifford”, has been released. Clifford includes infrastructure for the WordPress REST API, taxonomy and comment improvements, as well as the new Twenty Sixteen default theme, the ability to embed posts anywhere, and much more.

State of the Word, 2015

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Brian Krogsgard
Matt Mullenweg has just completed the 2015 State of the Word, the annual speech where he highlights the last year of everything WordPress and what we can anticipate in the future.

WP Shout are again doing their…

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WP Shout are again doing their WordPress hosting survey. I'm sure they would appreciate it if you took the survey, and share it with your networks to get a nice sample.

Envato is introducing a hosted website platform

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
It's easy to see some parallels between ThemeCloud and Envato Sites in terms of goals, but they are vastly different in execution. The basic goals for each is to make making websites easier. Envato has chosen to go with a fully…
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