WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

WordCamp Europe tickets are on sale

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Brian Krogsgard
WordCamp Europe tickets are on sale now. The tickets cost 60 Euros for the October 5th-7th conference. This event is still months away, but I can already tell from chatter that it's going to be epic, and that I will…

There are no small changes

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Brian Krogsgard
"Scope grows in minutes, not months. Look after the minutes, and the months take care of themselves." Des Traynor gives an example account of a "small" change that probably feels familiar with any client services provider. I personally believe that…

The truth about building commercial WordPress plugins

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Brian Krogsgard
It's not easy to make good, sustainable income selling commercial WordPress plugins. Tom McFarlin does a great job highlighting many things you should be considering if you are thinking about getting into the WordPress commercial product business.

Page.ly acquired BlogDroid

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Brian Krogsgard
Page.ly, the oldest managed WordPress hosting provider, has acquired BlogDroid. BlogDroid is a newer player in the WordPress managed hosting market. According to Page.ly's blog post, it was an all cash deal for the acquisition.

Designing in the browser

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Brian Krogsgard
Designing in the browser has been talked about by many industry leading designers. Here are some tips on how to to make in-browser design a little bit easier.

Seriously awesome tutorial on Git branching

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Curtis McHale
It's a given that you need to know SVN to work with WordPress, but more and more developers are starting to use Git. If you're just starting out then here is an awesome interactive tutorial on Git branching.

A/B Testing in WordPress

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Curtis McHale
If you use WordPress for your business website or to run your business entirely, you should be split testing to improve your conversions on products, form entries, and even email lists. WP Lift has done a nice run-through with tips…

How to build websites your customers will love

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
I've really been enjoying Help Scout's blog the past few months. In a recent post, they give a bunch of good advice on tips for designing websites that appeal, achieve goals, and make your visitors happy. Be sure to check…

Lessons for plugin developers from Joost de Valk

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Joost de Valk published to his blog this morning about a mistake he made with an update to his WordPress SEO plugin. He used a feature in PHP that isn't supported in PHP 5.2, and therefore his plugin didn't work…

A call to change WordPress widgets

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Brian Krogsgard
Jesse Friedman has written up how he thinks that WordPress widgets and widget areas should operate more like WordPress menus. I agree with him that currently, things like conditional sidebars can be a bit annoying. But I'd like to see…
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