WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

We’ll fix it later

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David Bisset
"[W]e all need help getting comfortable with the uncertainty of building software," muses Matthew Ström. To that end, Matthew offers these thoughts about finding the balance between the ideal of shipping beautiful code and the deadlines we actually have to meet. He…

Kevin Ohashi at Review Signal did a…

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Brian Krogsgard
Kevin Ohashi at Review Signal did a deep analysis of its 2018 data that goes well beyond simple load testing at many WordPress hosts. The goal of this new analysis was to determine whether paying a higher price for hosting buys…

Mel Choyce explains how to design…

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Brian Krogsgard
Mel Choyce explains how to design a Gutenberg block for restaurant menus. Mel provides a Sketch file, and if you want to use the design to build a restaurant block, give Mel credit and a link in your plugin readme.txt.

WordPress 5.0.1 and beyond

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 5.0.1 was released on December 13th. There were a few backwards compatibility breaks in this version, which raised a few eyebrows. 🤨 After those eyebrows rose in the Post Status main channel, Gary Pendergast commented: The timing of security releases…

Freemius is launching a “We Got…

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Brian Krogsgard
Freemius is launching a "We Got Your Back" pilot program for WordPress product vendors. This program helps clients handle a few additional non-coding-related tasks (including design and branding), along with other features yet to be announced. To qualify, your business must…

Eric Karkovack has showcased an impressive upcoming feature…

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Dan Knauss
Eric Karkovack has showcased an impressive upcoming feature of Advanced Custom Fields. Called "ACF Blocks," this feature allows users to create custom Gutenberg block types without the usual JavaScript. ACF PRO customers can play with this today in the latest beta release,…

As Catalin Cimpanu points out, the…

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Dan Knauss
As Catalin Cimpanu points out, the PHP 5.x branch will stop receiving official security updates at the end of this year. As many WordPress developers already know, this branch is still widely used on many servers. While WordPress recommends 7.2…

The importance of tinkering

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Brian Krogsgard
Justin Tadlock was the first person I really connected with in the WordPress community -- sometime back around 2008, if I recall correctly. I stumbled upon Theme Hybrid as someone looking to make a website, and I was off to…

Bob Dunn and Brad Williams talk…

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Brian Krogsgard
Bob Dunn and Brad Williams talk about Liquid Web’s new pricing structure and marketplace hosting on the latest Do The Woo podcast.

Joshua Strebel looks back over nine…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Joshua Strebel looks back over nine years of Pagely, including how it started the managed WordPress hosting space and how it evolved to what is now a fairly crowded market.
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