
This is everything we publish that’s fit for a WordPress-focused RSS feed.

On Cloudfest, hosts and WordPress

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Joost de Valk
I am at Cloudfest this week, in Europapark in Germany. This is my second year visiting Cloudfest, and I truly enjoy it. Cloudfest reminds you that pretty much all hosts offer WordPress hosting, and because of that, the WordPress communityā€¦

The WordPress Community Rocks

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Marieke van de Rakt
I can be rather critical of the WordPress Community. Weā€™re not perfect. We could be more inclusive and more open. We could be more effective in improving WordPress. We could do more. And still, the WordPress Community rocks. It rocksā€¦

Joosts and Mariekes

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Marieke van de Rakt
When working at Yoast with my husband, Joost de Valk, I often divide customers into the Joosts and the Mariekes. The Joosts were like my Joost: technically skilled, wanting to know everything about a product, quickly bored, always looking forā€¦

WP 6.5 Beta 1, Help Test ā€¢ WP-CLI 2.10.0 ā€¢ 2023 Annual Survey Findings ā€¢ Proposal Core Blocks in Directory ā€¢ Plugin Dependencies ā€¢ NGINX Forked ā€¢ PHPCS 3.9.0

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Courtney Robertson
This Week at (February 5, 2024) News 2023 Annual Survey Results and Next Steps WP-CLI v2.10.0 Release Notes Core NGINX Developer Forks Web Server Into Freenginx People of WordPress: Sunita Rai Zip uploads not working from Finder/Nautilus/Gnome/etc in WPā€¦
A2 Hosting