
Design in (and with) WordPress.

Rafal Tomal posted a review of…

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Dan Knauss
Rafal Tomal posted a review of 2019, which he describes as a time of personal rediscovery. Rafal formed a design studio called Authentik (now rebranded as Good People Digital) and left it at the end of the year to goā€¦

Ella van Durpe notes “the first…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Ella van Durpe notes "the first Gutenberg release of 2020 includes not less than 180 PRs šŸ˜crafted by more than 56 contributors." Highlights include a new block for multiple buttons, accessibility improvements to the editing interface, and a refactoring ofā€¦

Dave Whitley outlines a proposal to…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Dave Whitley outlines a proposal to standardize a type scale for WordPress: "By including other attributes like font weight and line height, we can create a reusable set of predefined styles for design and development."

Rachel Andrew at Smashing Magazine explores…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Rachel Andrew at Smashing Magazine explores the use cases where you might encounter overflow in your web designs. Rachel explains how CSS has evolved to create better ways to manage and design around unknown amounts of content.

There is a discussion unfolding at…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
There is a discussion unfolding at Make WordPress about the future design of the WordPress "About" page. Initial discussion points posted by Tammie Lister ask some good focusing, "what if" questions: What if the CSS system was rebuilt from theā€¦

Joshua Wold explains from a design…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Joshua Wold explains from a design perspective how WooCommerce widgets are being converted into Gutenberg blocks. A lot more work goes into this than you might think!

Here’s an eye-opening study from Princeton…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Here's an eye-opening study from Princeton University that analyzed over 53,000 product pages from 11,000 shopping websites. What they found was 1,818 instances of dark patterns, which are user interface design choices that benefit an online service by coercing, steering,ā€¦

Ionut Neagu reviews the redesign of…

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Dan Knauss
Ionut Neagu reviews the redesign of Themeisle, including the pros and cons of the decisions that went into it. The design itself cost $10,000-$15,000. Commenting on that Ionut writes: While the design itself is something almost impossible to track theā€¦

Introducing Team Membership

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Brian Krogsgard
Team Memberships are a new way to support Post Status and provide continuous education and excellent community insights for your entire organization.

šŸŽ™ļø I had a decent amount…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
šŸŽ™ļø I had a decent amount of time to listen to podcasts this week, including a few that are new to my rotation. Here are the best "new to me" podcasts I've found: WPandUP's #PressForward podcast had an episode withā€¦

Chris Coyier shares his thoughtsĀ on how…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Chris Coyier shares his thoughtsĀ on how to improve WordPress comments. Chris has WordPress sites with a cumulative total of a few hundred thousand (generally high quality) comments, so he speaks with some authority on this subject. Many of Chris's suggestionsā€¦

Ian Stewart talks about being a…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Ian Stewart talks about being a communication leader by using the elements of art and visual design: Just like I can use these elements to create visual harmony and an effective design or piece of art, I can use theseā€¦
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