A new look and a new domain

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Written By Brian Krogsgard

36 thoughts on “A new look and a new domain”

  1. Looks great Brian šŸ™‚ Like the new font and readability. Also completely agree with the annoyance of having to deregister styles and scripts. I’ve been doing the same for CFCommunity and jumping through all kinds of hoops to get rid of extra requests. I’m not sure how you’ve handled this, but I ended up creating a “cleanup” plugin that deregisters things. Besides that I use BWP Better Minify plugin to combine, compress and serve my styles and scripts over my CDN. It’s a lot of work but it seems to work.

    In terms of styling I think it would be nice to add some margin to paragraphs in your comments. Right now they have zero margin. Like this

    .comment-content p {
    margin-bottom: 15px;

    Good luck with the new design šŸ™‚

    • Thanks Bowe! Poor comment styles have been ignored a bit too much. I’ll add this to my list — good find!

      I’m using Grunt on the theme side for combining scripts, including plugins. I haven’t don’t much to re-enqueue plugin stuff yet, and am not thrilled about cross referencing a plugin file from a theme, etc. Ugh, I dunno yet šŸ™‚ Cloudflare can also concatenate / minify, but that feels lame too. I need to find a better way.

  2. Nice work.

    Could I suggest that you increase the body font size and make it a bit darker on mobile view, for those of us with poor eyesight? Your body text is far too tiny on a HTC One X and due to the font weight, it’s a bit too light.

    Nice logomark btw, but just wondering why the two ends don’t line up?

    • Yep, I got too em-bitious with the font-size on mobile. I made the base ~11 px and it’s way too small. First fix that’s going in is to bump that up to around 14 šŸ™‚

      Regarding the logo, it was purposeful, I guess? I’d love for someone to see a link-style thing but also a “P” and an “S” to a degree. I dunno… logos.

  3. Overall I like the design, lots of space to breathe.

    One thing I’d improve though would be the contrast, I find the text not contrasting enough with the background and I endep up reading that post with a good old Control A to select all the text and get a better contrast.

  4. I like all the details a lot. I LOVE this paragraph.

    Okay, this is way more than you needed to know. If you read all that, you are my ideal customer.

  5. Hi Brian, like all the others here I wanna say congrats on the changes.

    Iā€™m creating a Profiles content type to create static pages for people and companies (think Crunchbase for WordPress), as well as a cross-relational tool for posts about those folks.

    Have you heard of WP Talents? This is exactly what I’m aiming for, just as an independent project where everybody can contribute to. There absolutely is a need for a CrunchBase for WordPress, but that shouldn’t be tied to any specific website. Using the REST API and a small WordPress plugin, anyone can embed talent profiles on their website. You can see how it looks like in this blog post: https://spinpress.com/wordpress-directory-wptalents/

    If this doesn’t align with your plans, I’m totally cool with that, but we shouldn’t reinvent the wheel either.

    • Hey Pascal!

      I have definitely checked it out. It’s just not particularly in line with what I’m hoping to achieve. I need it just as much for relationships within my own site (connecting content) as anything. And I have different goals probably for what kind of data to show, what to do with it, and how to utilize it in the membership side of things.

      I do think what you’ve done is really cool, but probably not for my purposes.

      • Thanks for the heads up, Brian! I suppose some of the goals ā€” or at least the ways to those goals ā€” are the same. Maybe we can collaborate at some point, e.g. with exchanging descriptions and the like. Or if you’d install the soon to be published plugin, WP Talents gets notified whenever there’s a post about a person/company on Post Status.

  6. Thanks for sharing your methods for making such big changes, especially with the speed.

    I agree with you RE: Gravity Forms. I know it has a lot of fans, I suppose for its extensibility which I love too, but for so many people’s uses, it’s overkill and a lot of dead weight. I’ve found myself removing it from clients sites over time and going back to basics.

    I’d be interested to know what effect changing your TLD has on your SEO.

    Also, for whatever it’s worth, your new logo looks like the letters “dp” to me.

  7. The new domain is legit. The new logo is smart. The new theme/typography is beautiful. First class work all-a round (with lightning fast pace too)!

    Now we need to get Subscriptions 2.0 finished so we can be confident you’re running the best subscription management system we can build.

    Enjoy the euphoria!

  8. I think the purchase of the .com domain for $800 is a steal. Usually when someone has got a hold of that and you’ve already established a site fir a few years I find the squatter asks for a lot more.

    You should now turn your .us into a shorturl.

  9. I hope more people begin to realize your key takeaway (at least for me):

    One takeaway is that performance is a multi-faceted, challenging endeavor that spans design, development, and infrastructure.

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