WordPress News

Naming is Hard: Content Types on Learn WordPress

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Based on a public discussion led by Hugh Lashbrooke, Workshops (5-15 minute instructional videos) are going to be called Tutorials, moving forward while Social Learning Spaces (live and collaborative learning sessions) have become Online Workshops. No change to Courses (long-form…

Barriers to Contributing

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Small teams face frustrating barriers trying to make their contributions count TL;DR: Small teams have common barriers to contributing to Five for the Future. Making efficient use of their time and team members is hard when tooling and communication can…

Plugin Checker

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
On July 5, Felix Arntz proposed creating and adopting a plugin checking tool for the Plugin Review Team similar to the theme checker. The Performance Team would take the lead, but contributors from other teams would be needed as well.…

Join the Incident Response Team

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
The now-forming Incident Response Team (IRT) is a community-led effort to help us all build and sustain a culture around WordPress that is healthy, inclusive, and safe. Angela Jin is calling for your nominations for a diverse group of people who can contribute by serving on the IRT.

Open Secrets: Forced Updates in WordPress

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
We've seen forced updates become increasingly common and less controversial over time. But who decides, and how is that decision made? Are there unofficial channels and processes, like a decision tree, for escalating to a forced update?
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