WordPress News


Don’t dequeue WordPress’ jQuery

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Brian Krogsgard
Eric Mann describes why you shouldn't dequeue WordPress' version of jQuery. Unless you have a really, really good reason to use a CDN for jQuery (you probably don't), then stick with what WordPress ships with. You'll likely save yourself many…

Multi Page Navigation with Gravity Forms

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Brian Krogsgard
David Smith is a developer for Rocket Genius, the makers of Gravity Forms. And on the side, he runs the Gravity Wiz website for adding additional functionality to Gravity Forms by way of "Perks," plus general tips and tutorials. His…

Sticky posts in custom post type archives

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress has post sticky option only for posts post type. So if you are going to create a new custom post type, there is no native way for adding support for sticky posts. With this trick, you can show your…

Force CSS changes to bust browser cache

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Brian Krogsgard
This is an old one, but still a great solution for busting browser cache any time you update your theme stylesheet. Mark Jaquith shows how to easily wrap your stylesheet with filemtime, a PHP function that returns the time a…

Creating the Legalities of a WordPress Business

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Brian Krogsgard
In the process of setting up a legal entity for our upcoming business launch, I reached out to several people seeking advice on how best to create our business structure. I’m really grateful for the willingness of everyone to share…

Encouraging Community Collaboration and Development

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Pippin Williamson
A topic that has intrigued me a lot over the last few months is how to build up a strong community of contributors to projects. Are their aspects that help encourage community members to collaborate? Aspects that discourage it?

Easy Digital Downloads v1.4.3 Released

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Pippin Williamson
Version 1.4.3 has been released! This is primarily a maintenance release but does also contain several new features. The main new feature that will be of significant importance to users is the automatic catch of refunds processed through PayPal.

What do y’all think about a periodic job thread?

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Brian Krogsgard
There's a lot of moving and shaking in the WordPress community. Would a jobs thread here be beneficial? As a place where job seekers could post that they're looking for work and / or available employers could post that they…

Non-Breaking Business

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Brian Krogsgard
This morning, I listened to the latest episode of the Non-Breaking Space podcast. Non-Breaking space is one of my favorites, and this episode they had on Gene Crawford and Carl Smith to talk about web businesses. It's not directly related…

Community Advice for WP Beginners

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John Saddington
Siobhan McKeown shares an epic post on Smashing Magazine on how beginners can get ramped up quickly in WordPress. The community wisdom is truly highlighted here.
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