Postmatic wants to revitalize your WordPress email, starting with comments

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Written By Brian Krogsgard

18 thoughts on “Postmatic wants to revitalize your WordPress email, starting with comments”

  1. Thanks so much for the great introduction.
    During our beta period all sites running Postmatic are able to use our outgoing mail service. We are currently taking care of all outgoing post and comment notifications.

    When beta ends new installs will not have complimentary access to our outgoing mail service but instead will be reliant on mail delivery via their ISP. However, anyone that signed up during beta will continue to enjoy outgoing service, free of charge. It’ll be our way of thanking early adopters.

  2. I recently went looking for a simple email post notification plug in and could not find one outside of Jetpacks. Most of them would not work with my newest version of WordPress. I am using Jetpack but will try this out. Sounds great!

  3. I can’t imagine ever using this, but I’m surprised there aren’t already a dozen plugins doing it since there are obviously a lot of people who seem to use email for everything.

    • You can’t imagine ever using this because you don’t need the functionality or because of something else? Curious sentiment to me, as you are a pretty frequent commenter, I would’ve thought you’d like something like this.

      • I never use reply by email for anything else. I just click the link and respond within the platform itself. It always surprises me when I’m using some website and someone responds with their email signature in their response.

        • Yeah that was one of the first things I tested with this. I can’t stand when my signature is included in something, but this stripped it just fine.

          That’s a level of conservatism that I guess makes sense. But for me, being able to reply to comments I get as the blog owner I would find this saves me a good bit of time and would help me engage more with my own comments I get on articles.

          • I’d rather have a feed reader which let me respond to comments directly. Also, I wish bloggers would post their comments feed URL’s more prominently as I can never find them :/ (I may be guilty of this myself too)

    • I’ve never seen a site using email replies via Postie in the wild. I’ve read through their api and while you could possibly put something together for a single site with a ton of work… it would be far from secure, reliable, or safe to use in a production environment.

      What Postie does do well though is fantastic: publishing new posts via email. Some of our early alpha testers set up their baby blog (well, I set it up) that way: New posts were sent in by them via an email to Postie, and Postmatic would send them out and handle the commenting. It was an entirely 100% email based WordPress blog. They loved it, and their families loved it.

    • Hey Wayne,

      I just realized that you are The Wayne. Thanks for making and maintaining Postie for all of these years! It’s been a staple of mine for a long while.

      Do you have any other documentation or use-cases about email replies in Postie other than the functions mentioned in the release notes here I’m curious about how people are doing it.

  4. Damnit Brian! I’ve been thinking about this all afternoon and now have a burning desire to implement this on my site. As soon as I think my list of things to do is complete, you find another thing to add to the stack 😉

    • Hey Ryan,

      If you try Postmatic out and decide to disable it later your users won’t be left in the cold.

      Any time someone tries to send an email comment back and the destination can’t be found (trashed, uninstall, deleted, 404ing) we send them an email that says something like: We’re sorry, we couldn’t publish your comment to the_title, for more information please visit the_permalink. It’s a pretty solid and safe solution.

  5. I’m currently using Postmatic for my website and I’m happy with it. The email notifications that are sent are pretty slick.

    When folks subscribed to my blog via Feedburner and they received new posts via Email, any responding comments never made it past my inbox and onto my blog. I’m really glad that Postmatic takes care of these types of comments.

  6. I have been hoping for a new WordPress plugin to improve the sending of blog posts by email. Jetpack is so huge that I’m loathe to install it on a website just for this feature – and Subscribe2 directs users to the WordPress admin to manage their subscriptions, which is really unprofessional. I will definitely be trying Postmatic next time!

    • Thanks, Katie! We’ve tried hard to keep everything email-only for subscribers. They can still manage their subscriptions via wp-admin (which is nice if you are running some sort of front-end profiles plugin like TML) but have also set things up so that any of those functions can be accomplished via email commands…. which yes.. is pretty wonderful 🙂

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