Felix Arntz

We don’t need no stinkin’ standards!

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Dan Knauss
I wonder how much WordPress is an outlier in even the PHP universe for tolerating the idea that it's "punishment" and "unfair" to be held to a standard with mandatory testing for code that's admitted to the WordPress.org repo for…

Business Case for Performance

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Dan Knauss
Here's an idea for a handy performance business case calculator. The eCommerce fashion Farfetch correlated Core Web Vitals and their own performance metrics with their business metrics, which let them identify an increase in KPIs. They built a "Performance Business…

Plugin Checker

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
On July 5, Felix Arntz proposed creating and adopting a plugin checking tool for the Plugin Review Team similar to the theme checker. The Performance Team would take the lead, but contributors from other teams would be needed as well.…

Post Status Picks for the Week of July 11

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Dan Knauss
From WP Tavern's Jukebox, it’s Felix Arntz on WordPress performance and what can be done now and in the future about it. Seeking Satisfaction has Tony Perez sharing his journey building, growing, and exiting Sucuri. The Shop Talk Show hosts a discussion about headless CMS platforms, including WordPress, and a little on WordPress and web components...

Not Dead Yet! Just Mostly Dead?

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Dan Knauss
Gutenberg 13.4 • Learning FSE sooner rather than later • Gutenberg in Tumblr and Day One • WordCamps and the vitality of the WordPress community • AUS WordPress community only mostly dead? • Get SEO Schema graphs • Web font loading geek out • PHP is 28! • PHP namespaces and autoloaders • You can work anywhere... why not Cleveland? • North Commerce — faster than the rest? • and more...

Post Status Notes #489

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David Bisset
An App Store for WordPress.com? Performance Team Gathers Steam. WP Notify. FSE Beta. Block is Beautiful. Security, Plugin, Dev, Acquisitions.

Felix Arntz explains how it was…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Felix Arntz explains how it was recently discovered that the current WordPress core implementation might regress the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric  “when hero images above the fold are being lazy-loaded.” Felix notes the adjustments for WordPress 5.9 will likely…

Felix Arntz recently published the Share…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Felix Arntz recently published the Share Target WordPress plugin. It allows you to share content to your WordPress site directly from a device that's able to use the Web Share Target API. 🎯

Felix Arntz has a possible solution…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Felix Arntz has a possible solution for lazy loading images in WordPress core and is calling for testing it in a feature plugin (WP Lazy). 💤 "With WordPress enabling native lazy-loading by default, it would significantly impact performance and user…

Felix Arntz has a detailed post…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Felix Arntz has a detailed post on CSS Custom Properties and how to use them to improve UX for both website visitors and content creators. Felix is "looking forward to seeing this feature being leveraged by WordPress themes more" as…

Gutenberg and Full Site Editing Gutenberg…

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Dan Knauss

Gutenberg and Full Site Editing Gutenberg 6.1 was released this past week, and it includes some significant interface enhancements you will notice right away. The most noteworthy is the introduction of motion/animation when you are reordering, adding, or removing blocks.…

Felix Arntz digs into the “fatal…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Felix Arntz digs into the "fatal error recovery mode" coming in WordPress 5.2. There are several ways developers can make their plugins respond to recovery mode, which provides an opportunity "to inform administrators about fatal errors on their site and…

Felix Arntz explains how the Fatal…

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Brian Krogsgard
Felix Arntz explains how the Fatal Error Protection feature had to be dropped from WordPress 5.1 due to several security concerns. It appears error protection is here to stay, however, and Felix goes into detail about the completely new approach…

It looks like Felix Arntz is…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

It looks like Felix Arntz is setting up a new, simple, and portable WordPress core development environment based on Lando. I'm looking for others interested in using and improving it.

Starting with the upcoming WordPress 4.9.8…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Starting with the upcoming WordPress 4.9.8 release, you can now properly register your post metadata with WordPress and the REST API. Felix Arntz shows you how.
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