Launching a WordPress Product in Public: Session 1

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Cory Miller
Corey Maass and Cory Miller go live to discuss the creation and launch of a WordPress product they have partnered to build. Crop.Express originated as a solution to a common problem Maass experienced. Miller loved the idea and wondered how to build this into a plugin to solve problems within the WordPress workflow. This is a candid conversation about the evolution of partnering to develop a WordPress product.

On OpenAI And WordPress With Jannis Thuemmig Of WP-Webooks— Post Status Draft 136

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Cory Miller
Jannis Thuemmig, founder of WP Webhooks, joins Cory Miller to discuss Open AI and WordPress. Jannis is passionate about utilizing the power of technology to increase efficiency. WP Webhooks is exploring the ways Open AI can be used to revolutionize website processes and management. It seems we are only at the tip of the iceberg for what is possible when working with WordPress and Open AI.

The Future of GiveWP and the Block Editor

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Dan Knauss
The journey to GiveWP 3.0 is well underway — an open, iterative development process that fully embraces WordPress's Gutenberg block editor. Give cofounder Matt Cromwell and development director Jason Adams share what they've learned so far.

Post Status Notes #496

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David Bisset
Lots of WordPress core, Gutenberg, and WordCamp news this week. Are off-forum .org support requests OK? Matt: Tumblr will be open sourced. What's the WP Way?
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