Member Spotlight

Member Spotlight: Jon Clark

Photo of author
Michelle Frechette
Jon Clark is a Marketing Automation Manager for StellarWP who enjoys all things data and analytics, tech, sports, hiking and working on building his Youtube channel.

Jobs & Career Roundup Week Ending July 28

Photo of author
Michelle Frechette
The WPCareerSummit is Scheduled This year's WPCareerSummit will be held October 20 online. Registration is free and open now. Our Call for Speakers is also open, as is the Call for Sponsors. Questions? Let me know! We will announce our…

Jobs & Career Roundup Week Ending July 21

Photo of author
Michelle Frechette
The WPCareerSummit is Scheduled This year's WPCareerSummit will be held October 20 online. Registration is free and open now. Our Call for Speakers is also open, as is the Call for Sponsors. Questions? Let me know! You can follow my…

Community Roundup Week Ending July 14

Photo of author
Michelle Frechette
Accessibility This week I wrote about the SLAPP lawsuit that Audio Eye filed against accessibility expert, and WordPress community member, Adrian Roselli. The conversation over in the Post Status #club channel was enthusiastically supportive of Adrian and his messages about…
A2 Hosting
Progress Planner is a proud sponsor of Post Status.