
Scott Bolinger has written an extensive…

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Brian Krogsgard

Scott Bolinger has written an extensive guide to help developers speed up WordPress sites on mobile devices. This is especially important, because as Scott points out, "sites usually load slower on a mobile device because they don’t have as much…

I always like a story on…

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Brian Krogsgard

I always like a story on how a large company or site improved web performance, and a recent one from BCC News doesn't disappoint. A few bullet points on the results: First meaningful paint happens up to 50% sooner on…

There is a call for testing…

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Dan Knauss

There is a call for testing for the WordPress mobile app (7.0 beta) for iOS. Some nice enhancements here: navigation arrows for notifications, adding and editing post excerpts directly from the app (a big one), better RTL support, and few…

John Maseda blogged an excerpt of…

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Dan Knauss

John Maseda blogged an excerpt of a message he shared within Automattic Design, entitled "Why WordPress?". Highly recommend spending a few minutes to read his thoughts about why WordPress is trust-worthy but especially his point about WordPress - and it's…

WooCommerce switches accounts to utilize credentials

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Brian Krogsgard
WooCommerce has officially switched over to require account credentials. The announcement was made by Todd Wilkens, the new lead of WooCommerce within Automattic. Todd was formerly the head of mobile and chat products at Atlassian (HipChat, etc). This change…

Search ads generated 50% of all…

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Dan Knauss

Search ads generated 50% of all digital revenue for the first half of 2016, as Greg Sterling reports over at No surprise that mobile is still driving the growth and that it's numbers are quickly approaching desktop levels. Combined,…

Not shocking, but a statistic worth…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Not shocking, but a statistic worth noting nevertheless: Mobile and tablet internet usage exceeds desktop for first time worldwide.

WPEngine has announced “One-Tap Payments” for…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
WPEngine has announced "One-Tap Payments" for WordPress ecommerce sites. Their WooCommerce extension leverages the Payment Request API — which is already available in the mobile versions of Chrome for Android. There is not a huge amount of in-depth information in…

Mozilla introduced Firefox Focus – a…

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Brian Krogsgard

Mozilla introduced Firefox Focus - a simple-to-use and free private iOS browser. Interesting in that it also offers a system-wide content blocker that seems primarily focused on privacy invasive trackers. I don't use browsers outside of Mobile Safari, but I'm…

Matt Mullenweg’s stand for the GPL against Wix

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Brian Krogsgard

You've probably heard about as much as you want to hear regarding Wix and the GPL issues surrounding their mobile app release by now. However, I want to help sift through the noise. First, some links: Matt Mullenweg's open letter…

WordPress REST API content endpoints proposed for core

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Brian Krogsgard

Readers know that the WordPress REST API has had a lot of activity this release cycle. There has been a concerted effort to get the API ready for a core merge in 4.7. The release isn't slated until December, but…

WPtouch — the mobile WordPress theme company — wants $1.39 million

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

WPtouch is a mostly pointless product. Well, it's not pointless for everyone, but it the base version of the product gets more and more pointless every year. Yet, they are still making $730,000+ in revenue per year. The product is also…

Michael Scharnagl shares techniques on how to…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Michael Scharnagl shares techniques on how to minimize content shifting on page load. Reflow, often due to ads on mobile page views, infuriates me every single time.

Jetpack 4.3 to include React-based settings, further integrated marketing

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Jetpack 4.3 Beta was announced today, and includes a new React-driven interface, as well as more integrated marketing pitches for the apps and paid upgrades. The new interface is an improvement, but there are several changes functionally. One I noticed…
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