
Modern Tribe has an beautiful new…

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Brian Krogsgard

Modern Tribe has an beautiful new website, built with React and the WordPress REST API. David Hickox wrote about their rebranding effort as well. This is the nicest agency redesign I've seen in a long time, and using pretty new…

State of the Word, 2015

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Brian Krogsgard
Matt Mullenweg has just completed the 2015 State of the Word, the annual speech where he highlights the last year of everything WordPress and what we can anticipate in the future.

Do you just need to nom…

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Do you just need to nom nom nom on some developer-y stuff so bad right now? Okay, I'll leave you with a couple of very technical links. First, a very long, but educational, case for using Nginx. I don't think…

Extra bits and bobs around the new Calypso project

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Brian Krogsgard

Phew, it's been a bit of a whirlwind couple of days, and I don't work at Automattic. The Calypso project sparked a lot of conversation, and confusion. Calypso is the name of the effort, but the result was the…

“React Toolbox is a set of…

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"React Toolbox is a set of React components that implements Google Material Design specification." I know, so much React stuff lately, but I bet you're going to click it.

React for Beginners is a course…

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React for Beginners is a course by Wes Bos that looks outstanding. You don't seem to need much prior knowledge to get going, and it's a very affordable $59 for just a few hours more. I signed up today! I…

Lessons for WordPress, from Drupalcon

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Brian Krogsgard

Drupalcon is happening, and Drupal founder Dries Buytaert has made his keynote slides available. They are highly informative and well worth looking through, even without the presentation audio. I'll highlight the big items, but seriously just see the slides, because it's…

Building a better WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard

Chris Hutchinson has ideas for a better WordPress. Imagine a world where WordPress is lean, fast, and efficient. In this world, WordPress has just one task: to manage your content. >And he lays out his ideas for what WordPress would…

Using React with WordPress — Draft podcast

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Katie Richards
Post Status Draft is a podcast about WordPress news and events hosted by Brian Krogsgard and Joe Hoyle. This week we discuss plugin and theme language packs, Trac gardening, and using React for WordPress.

Design before discovery

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Brian Krogsgard
Guillermo Rauch has written a post about the development of the new VideoPress, titled Pure UI. In it, he describes the workflow for creating the new player and how it was managed between design and development. He says that the…

Embedded chatrooms for live events

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Brian Krogsgard

Embedded chat options for live events on WordPress sites have always been tough. Podcasts often have a live channel, via something like embedded IRC, or Google Hangouts. None of them are really great. I was intrigued to come across…

A(nother) new era of WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard

Jeff Waugh is a prominent advocate worldwide of the open source ecosystem. In his latest article, he talks about the continued evolution of WordPress in a "new era", which is mostly stuff my audience should know about. But it's good…
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