It only happens once in a blue moon: You’ll tweak one single thing in your messaging, your check-out, or your email list and that change is the trick. It changes everything, skyrocketing your sales indefinitely.
A lot of startups spend their time looking for the trick. Searching for the holy grail. Hoping that it will happen to them. Thinking that it will happen at some point. And I hate to disappoint them, but the Startup trick does not exist. There is never one thing that leads to sudden growth of a company. The growth is never sudden, either. Perhaps it looks like it happens suddenly, but the reality is that to achieve the sudden growth some Startups go through, you need to do a lot of things. And, you need to do them consistently, and you need to do them for an extended period of time.
We all know the hockey stick graphs representing a sudden increase in growth. That growth occurs when companies have been doing a lot of different things. Those things did not have an immediate effect on their sale, but after a while, the effect of all their efforts combined kicked in. It will be a combination of writing about a certain topic, appearing in podcasts, tweaking your product after feedback, developing cool social media posts, doing awesome TikTok videos, sending out newsletters, and speaking at events. Startups usually do all these things. And all these things combined lead to growth.
On average, a customer has seven encounters with a brand before purchasing. Seven. It is just hard work to reach your customers seven times. Of course, you could have some luck with a video going viral or a piece of news about your startup getting picked up by the news. That’ll speed things up for sure!
The startup trick is not one thing; it’ll probably be seven things. It is just consistent, hard work.