WP Engine rebrands and restructures

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Written By Brian Krogsgard

9 thoughts on “WP Engine rebrands and restructures”

  1. I love WP Engine, and I hope they continue to grow as they have been. But they can only be the premier WordPress hosting. They’re not for everyone because of their pricing (which is still awesome, all things considered). Sometimes, basic shared hosting is all a person/business/blogger needs.

  2. I love WPE. However, I moved all of my sites away from them and onto Flywheel.


    When I found out about Flywheel, I was instantly attracted. The guy who runs the place, Rick, personally went through all the featured of Flywheel.

    That was several months ago. Overall, I’m still don’t regret leaving WPE. I pitted my site up against the same install on WPE and Flywheel was definitely loading faster on first load, and subsequent loads. Not to mention their UI is sexy as balls. On top of this it’s literally half the price.

    I will admit that WPE has a better uptime, as Flywheel has about 4 outages last month totaling about 15 minutes. Rick assured me this was due to the upgrades they were doing to infrastructure.

    Support is lightning fast, and most of my issues are resolved within hours (including one within 10 minutes at 8 am on a sunday).

    Anyhow, just wanted to give a plug for Flywheel since they are new and aren’t listed here. I am BTW a paying customer like everyone else.

    • Hey Nick,

      There are actually a few managed hosts I didn’t mention. For instance, I didn’t mention the managed host I use for this site 🙂 The intent wasn’t to do a comparison of all the hosts (which is a worthy venture) but to simply highlight what WP Engine has going on.

      But the “plug” is fine. I plan to keep better track of Flywheel anyway, and I’m glad another host is working out in this space. In my mind, there is plenty of room for good competition.

  3. Hi Brian, thanks for the kind words on our service and rebrand. Although in one sense a rebrand is “only skin deep,” as you said it’s a better reflection of what’s *under* the skin, and therefore we’re excited to have a more consistent and genuine way to express who we are, and indeed who we still aspire to be.

  4. I have been with WP Engine since October 2012 (hey, it’s been almost exactly a year!), after meeting Austin at WordCamp Denver. It has been a long process of migrating all our clients from DH to WPE, but given their respective track records in the past 12 months, it was by far the best hosting decision I’ve ever made.

    To be honest, I’m not thrilled with the rebrand (yet) – I suppose it will take some time to get used to. I really dug the drab green and simple gear… oh well! On to bigger and better things!

    I am thrilled with their service, reliability, and the fact they are so clearly succeeding in their goals. It’s reassuring to have such an attentive, and solid vendor.

    Keep rockin’ WPE.

  5. for WordPress Managed Service I will personally prefer Cloudways. One of the best provider in this industry with good security plans and 24/7 support team.

    • Have you tried Cloudways vs. Flywheel? I’m trying to compare the 2 of them in terms of performance, bang-for-your-buck, scalability, etc.

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