X-Team splits in two

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Written By Travis Northcutt

3 thoughts on “X-Team splits in two”

  1. Somehow, their announcement gives me even more questions than answers.

    Who is running each? New websites? What was “developer resourcing” anyway? Are products like Stream following alongside the enterprise WordPress side?

    Kind of a strange announcement, with not a lot of info.

  2. Honestly, it feels like a services versus products split.

    Developer Sourcing, I would suppose, is partnerships with other agencies that may have a lot of creative resources, but not much of a developer powerhouse. So they source developers to collaborate and knock out projects?

  3. Thanks so much spreading the news Travis! It’s appreciated.

    Brian, I’m glad it raises more questions than answers. We’re extremely passionate about WordPress and the creation of a X-Team WP Pty Ltd is a further step towards what we hope will be add even greater value to the Enterprise in this space. We’ve got big plans and answers will come when the time is right. As both companies are operational it’s important we got the message out.

    It’s the developer resourcing model which will gain more clarity first. There’s a lot of things wrong with the developer resourcing industry currently and we’re committed to do something about it!

    George, your right in that we made a service / product split with Stream (wp-stream.com) being our product focus. Stream in fact operates as it’s own company as well. Both X-Team International Pty and X-Team WordPress Pty Ltd are serviced based. What they offer though is very different.

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