Courtney Robertson

Adjust HTML Block Markup, FSE Back to Basics, WP 6.0.2 RC1, and Updating WP_MEMORY_LIMIT

WordPress 6.0.2 is coming soon! Join the next Call for Testing and give your feedback on HTML block markup and increasing the WP_MEMORY_LIMIT variable in wp-config.php.

Feedback and Testing: Fluid Typography, Pre-Publish Sidebar, Editor Configuration, Expired Session Autosave, and Contribute Style Variations to Twenty Twenty Three

Get your feedback in now about features coming in WordPress 6.1. Feature freeze is September 20.

Back Compat & Experimental APIs, Safely Handling SVG via “Insert URL”, WordPress 6.1 Bug Scrub Schedule, Database Performance Health Checks

Is it safe to insert an SVG via URL? How healthy is your database? Performance Team Rep Nominations.

A New Kind of Default Theme, the Performance Team Gets Its Own Site, and the Kim Parsell Memorial Scholarship Recipients

A new approach to creating the next default theme has been proposed. • Cache Audit and Site Health Checks • Full-Site Editing Program Calls for Testing Category Customization • Parsell Scholarship recipients announced.

A Better REST API, Improving Developer Docs, Open Sourcing Theme Designs, WebP and multiple MIME type support for images

Do you want to see the REST API improved? Get the latest on improving DevHub (Developer Docs), image formats, and access to open-source Figma files.

Feedback Requested: Proposed Rollback Feature in 6.1, Performance Team Hosting Stats, and Recording Five for the Future Contributions

Get the scoop on planning for the WordPress 6.1 release, and help test its proposed plugin Rollback feature. There are also many calls for feedback from the Performance team and Five for the Future.

Promoting WordCamps, GDPR and Google Fonts, Invalid Reviews, 5FTF, and the Admin UX

How should WordCamps be promoted on official WordPress channels? • How to comply with the GDPR when you’re using Google Fonts. • What’s the deal with invalid plugin/theme reviews? Mika Epstein explains. • Important decisions in The Five for the Future GitHub repo. • Thinking through the Admin UX.

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