
Post Status Draft is an interview and discussion-based podcast featuring WordPress and other web professionals, product founders, and agency owners. 📝

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Cory Miller, Founder & CEO of iThemes

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
I had the opportunity recently to talk to Cory Miller, the founder of iThemes. Cory started iThemes in January 2008, so they are currently celebrating their 6th anniversary. Cory is a really thoughtful businessman and leader, and I really enjoyed…

Interview with Mark Forrester, co-founder of WooThemes

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Last week I had the pleasure of visiting WooThemes HQ in Cape Town, South Africa. Throughout the week I had the opportunity to interact with WooThemes' co-founders Mark Forrester and Magnus Jepson, as well as the rest of the Cape…

Interview the interviewer: Matt Medeiros of Matt Report

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Matt Medeiros is a WordPress entrepreneur and podcaster from a town between Providence, Rhode Island and Boston, Massachusetts. Matt is also a co-founder of Slocum Studios, a web consultancy. One of Matt's podcasts is the Matt Report, where he interviews…
A2 Hosting