WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Pagely is celebrating their seven year anniversary. Joshua…

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Brian Krogsgard
Pagely is celebrating their seven year anniversary. Joshua Strebel reflects on seven years of the managed WordPress hosting industry that his team started, and also looks into the future. WP101 is also celebrating a birthday -- a whopping eight years -- and Shawn Hesketh says…

When you think about design, do…

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Brian Krogsgard
When you think about design, do you visualize IBM in your mind's eye? After reading this article from Anne Quito on how IBM is gearing up to become a large and sophisticated design company, maybe that will change. As I…

Carrie Dils and Diane Kinney are…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Carrie Dils and Diane Kinney are working on a book devoting to making you become a better freelancer. Real World Freelancing covers, "client management, business strategies, processes & tools, marketing, mental health" and other subjects. You can signup to be notified…

ReviewSignal’s annual WordPress hosting results takeaways

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Brian Krogsgard
Kevin Ohashi does the best WordPress hosting technical analysis out there. He's just come out with his 2016 benchmarks, which are the culmination of months of testing twenty six companies, across six price tiers, with five different methodologies. In addition…

More design fun: I love duotone,…

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Brian Krogsgard
More design fun: I love duotone, and Sean Hervo discusses its role in web design.  And if you like it too, Brody at AudioTheme has a post on how to do it, which I've noted here before, and use myself…

Twenty Seventeen is 🔥

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Brian Krogsgard
I have not been stunned -- in a positive way -- about a default WordPress theme design preview since Twenty Twelve. I haven't had a major beef with any of the other default themes, but I haven't been really wowed. Twenty Ten…

Dennis Cooper, whose Blogger-hosted site received attention…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Dennis Cooper, whose Blogger-hosted site received attention recently after being disabled without warning, is now back online and on WordPress. A 10 year old blog post was what brought down the site. This is rightly being used as a prime example of why…

WordPress support forums wrapping up migration

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Brian Krogsgard
The WordPress support forums are wrapping up a migration and upgrade to bbPress 2.x. They have long been on old forum software and the migration was much needed. It has caused planned partial downtime for several days, but with something…

Renewed push for WordPress REST API content endpoints

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Brian Krogsgard
There's a renewed push going on right now to try and get what is being termed "content endpoints" into WordPress core with the 4.7 release -- which is being led by Helen Hou-Sandí of 10up. In the first core development…

GoDaddy has acquired ManageWP

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
GoDaddy has acquired the WordPress website management service, ManageWP. ManageWP will remain a standalone app, and GoDaddy will integrate several features into their GoDaddy Pro and WordPress hosting plans.

iThemes Security Pro introduces a new…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
iThemes Security Pro introduces a new feature – WordPress version management. This feature automatically updates your site to new versions of WordPress, along with themes and plugins, and has the ability to, “scan for other out of date WordPress sites,” on…
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