WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

The steady move upmarket in WordPress hosting

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Brian Krogsgard
Media Temple is the latest company to offer an "enterprise" level WordPress hosting option. Their new offering is based on Amazon Web Services and starts at $2,500 per month. From TechCrunch: The standard enterprise plan costs $2,500 per month comes…

Trademarks, Woo, and you

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Brian Krogsgard
There's been talk lately about Automattic enforcing trademarks for the term "Woo", by sending takedown notices to websites utilizing the term in their domains and offering services or products associated with WooCommerce. Automattic has been sending letters, primarily to sites…

WordPress Security — Draft podcast

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Katie Richards
This week, Joe and Brian discuss WordPress and website security, why it matters, how to go about it, and what the consequences can be when everything goes downhill.

There are a few nuggets of wisdom in…

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Brian Krogsgard
There are a few nuggets of wisdom in Matt Medeiros' answers to questions on running a WordPress product and service business after his appearance on the OfficeHours.fm podcast. BTW, OfficeHours.fm reached 100 episodes recently, so congrats to Carrie Dils.

One more security update: Ninja Forms…

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Brian Krogsgard
One more security update: Ninja Forms had a pretty nasty bug that allowed arbitrary file uploading. They worked with a security researcher -- who tells his tale here -- and the WordPress plugin team to get forced-upgrades to all users.

Here’s a list of guidelines a…

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Brian Krogsgard
Here's a list of guidelines a designer needs to know about accessibility from Jesse Hausler. One of the points that stuck in my mind was that you should design for a "diverse set of users" who will interact with your…

Templatic, a WordPress theme company, was…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Templatic, a WordPress theme company, was recently hacked and that hacker is holding it's customer data for ransom. This is terrifying, for both Templatic clients and for Templatic itself. Thankfully billing information wasn't stored and Templatic's customers at least so…

Encouragement to reward folks who find plugin vulnerabilities

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Brian Krogsgard
Mika Epstein posted a recommendation on Make WordPress Plugins for authors who make money from plugins to utilize a service like HackerOne to help identify and fix vulnerabilities in their plugins. The WordPress tag on HackerOne -- which is a…

A new “Get WordPress” landing page is in the works

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Brian Krogsgard
A couple of months ago, Mark Uraine described the thinking behind what is now likely to be a new landing page at WordPress.org/get: For quite a while now, the meta team has been interested in improving the download and mobile pages…

If you liked those CSI shows…

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Brian Krogsgard
If you liked those CSI shows but wish it was hacker's code instead they were dissecting instead of corpses, then you'll love this detailed look into a spammer's script that infected a WordPress site on a shared hosting server.

Alex Ivanovs has a detailed post…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Alex Ivanovs has a detailed post on the Pagely blog on how to make your blog more searchable. Beyond installing your typical SEO plugin, Alex's suggestions touch on how to audit your site, making your design more mobile-friendly, and examining your…

The hosting world is a wild…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
The hosting world is a wild and scary place, and Kevin Ohashi, of Review Signal, takes you behind the scenes of what it's like being pitched by "slimy" hosts.

Follow-up on Server Pilot

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
I talked to Justin Samuel, the CEO of Server Pilot, on the phone today, to do a bit of follow-up after my last post. I'm still intrigued by Server Pilot, which I see as unique in our space right now,…
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