WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Jobs & Career Roundup Week Ending January 19

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Michelle Frechette
In the Spotlight Post Status professional member Zach Stepek is in the spotlight this week. Zach has been helping store owners run some of the largest WooCommerce stores in the world, and he's currently helping customers run complex, scalable commerce…

Member Spotlight: Zach Stepek

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Michelle Frechette
Zach Stepek has been helping store owners run some of the largest WooCommerce stores in the world, and he's currently helping customers run complex, scalable commerce websites at Convesio.

Why is open source so very cool?

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Marieke van de Rakt
I am an open source fangirl. And I think it should be celebrated much more. In a world that needs more sustainability, transparency, and equality, open source should be more prominent, embraced, acknowledged, and applauded by the whole world. The…
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