WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

What screens want

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Brian Krogsgard
This is one of the most fun and thought provoking reads on design I've read in a really long time. Frank Chimero has put together what he calls "thoughts on digital canvases", and it's really worthwhile. If you do any…

Case study: building a front-end managed web app using WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
The folks at Voltronik have put together a pretty interesting case study going over their processes and considerations for building a project management system for a client, managed on the front end, all with WordPress. The result is a Bootstrap…

WordPress code snippets ’til Christmas

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Brian Krogsgard
Elliott Richmond is in the second year of his advent calendar for WordPress code snippets. You can sign up on the site for the 2013 version and he'll email you the snippets every day. I enjoyed this last year, as…

Sources of growth for a membership site

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Brian Krogsgard
Shawn Hesketh runs WP101, a WordPress tutorials membership site. He recently received a question about how he markets his site, and his answer is thorough and insightful, and definitely worth a read for anyone trying to grow their product or…

Another take on redesigning the WordPress admin

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Brian Krogsgard
George Kordas has put together a tremendous effort on his concept for a new WordPress admin design. It's very, very pretty I think. I love seeing what people are coming up with. This skin, and the DevPress one, are fun…

WordPress, .com vs .org

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Brian Krogsgard
There's a new post on The Daily Post of WordPress.com that does a nice job explaining the differences between WordPress.org and WordPress.com, and gives some advice on when someone may want to use each. It's a good one to keep…

Crowd Favorite to be acquired by VeloMedia

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Brian Krogsgard
Crowd Favorite and VeloMedia have reached an agreement where VeloMedia will acquire Crowd Favorite, with the transaction to occur early next year. Crowd Favorite was founded by Alex King, one of the earliest regular contributors to WordPress. King's freelance web…

WPML 3.0 introduces new GUI and better eCommerce support

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Brian Krogsgard
WPML is probably the largest multi-lingual plugin for WordPress. In their latest release, they overhaul their user interface and implemented better support for eCommerce, specifically WooCommerce. WPML has been around quite some time now, so I'm happy to see it…

I can haz braces?

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress core is debating a change to always require braces, even for one line, in PHP if statements. Looks like the +1's are winning. That's a good thing in my opinion. Is this the most detail oriented thing I've ever…

Turn WordPress into a Twelve-Factor App

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Brian Krogsgard
If you’re going to be creating complex websites with WordPress, then you need to get serious about it. This series of posts is based on the Twelve-Factor App methodology, adapted for large scale WordPress projects.

The BuddyPress default theme is being phased out

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Brian Krogsgard
BuddyPress has worked well with most WordPress themes for the last two major releases. Therefore, the BuddyPress team has decided it's time to retire the default theme from shipping with BuddyPress core. Boone Gorges gives the details on the BuddyPress…
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