WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Houston, a pretty P2 child theme

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Brian Krogsgard
James Koster, of WooThemes, has designed a nice little child theme for P2 called Houston. I like it. It's much more pleasant to look at than the default P2 theme.

How big can a WooCommerce store be?

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Brian Krogsgard
The folks at MarketPress did a poll to see how big of shops people have built and managed with WooCommerce. 29% of respondents said they'd built a shop with 250-1000 products, and 11% said they'd built one with "1000+" products.…

WordPress 3.7.1 is out

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 3.7.1 is out with eleven bug fixes. If you are already on WordPress 3.7 and you are eligible for auto-updates, they will start rolling out soon. If you want to find out if you're eligible for auto-updates, you can…

Explicit browser support

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Brian Krogsgard
Browser support is not a minor thing to consider when building web projects. Whether developing a website for a client or building a product, one of the most important things to clarify right away is what level of browser support…

Lessons learned building and supporting a WordPress theme

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Brian Krogsgard
Konstantin Kovshenin shares the lessons he's learned from building and supporting his free Expound WordPress theme. The theme has over 100,000 downloads, and it's pretty interesting to see how he prepared for the release and the common support requests that…

Get to know the new functions in WordPress 3.7

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
The fabulous documentation site, QueryPosts, has you covered with the new functions added to WordPress 3.7. Take a look around and jump right to the source to get familiar with the new things to play with in your next project.…

What’s new in WordPress 3.7, “Basie”

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 3.7, "Basie", has just been released. It's been named in honor of Count Basie. The WordPress 3.7 development cycle is the quickest turnaround between major versions of WordPress ever. You may not notice a whole lot of sexy new…

You’re using transients wrong

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Ryan McCue has written an insightful post about caching data in WordPress with the Transients API. Most interesting to me is how he describes expiration in transients as a "maximum age" versus a "guaranteed expiration". He also makes a worthwhile…

How to take advantage of WordPress 3.7’s language packs

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
In order to take advantage of the WordPress 3.7 "language packs" functionality, Otto Wood lays out some ground rules that plugin and theme authors should be following. This is an excellent resource. If Otto's post looks like a foreign language…
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