WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

PHP globals and classes for new programmers

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Brian Krogsgard
Justin Sternberg has written a nice and thorough post geared toward beginning programmers to cover common PHP methodologies. I definitely recommend reading this for those that may recognize certain techniques, but don't really fully understand them. I love beginner tutorials…

WordPress.com introduces Connect, a “login with” API

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress.com has introduced a new API today called WordPress.com Connect. It's an API to allow websites and applications to offer login capability for WordPress.com users. It's not surprising Automattic has introduced this feature. After all, they have tons of services that…

Career advice for developers

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Brian Krogsgard
Cory Miller gives some career advice for programmers. Cory has been in the web business for a long time, and as the owner of iThemes, has significant authority in this arena. If you're a web developer and looking for some…

The future of WPDB

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Brian Krogsgard
mysql_*() methods are deprecated in PHP 5.5 and it's time for WordPress move on and enable support for PDO or MySQLi. In this article I describe what I played with and what the next steps are for getting a better…

Contributing to Jetpack, the guide

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Brian Krogsgard
The Automattic Jetpack team has announced a handy guide for people that want to contribute to Jetpack. I should probably learn from this, as historically, my methods for contributing to Jetpack have been by whining on Twitter. I wish more…

Yoast changes licensing structure to not allow unlimited licenses

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Brian Krogsgard
Joost de Valk posted on his Tumblr, of all things, that their commercial plugins at Yoast.com have undergone a licensing structure change. They've changed to yearly based support, and also removed their unlimited site license. They're hoping to eliminate abuses with the move,…

Have a happy WordPress podcast weekend

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Brian Krogsgard
I hope you are having a great weekend. This last week, I had the pleasure of being on two podcasts: DradCast and Week in WordPress. I had a great time Wednesday night talking to Dre Armeda and Brad Williams about…

Performance of 7 top shared WordPress hosts compared

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Brian Krogsgard
Ryan Sullivan compared seven popular hosting companies' shared environments for his experiment to see which ones were performing well and which weren't. I love Ryan's views on hosting, and trust his experiment. This is a valuable resource. However, I'd really…

Art direction for publishing with WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
One of the most exciting conversations for WordPress 3.8, in my opinion, is around creating content blocks and art direction for editing with WordPress. This is probably the direction core is going to go for handling post formats, and any…
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