WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Syed Balkhi and Awesome Motive have…

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Brian Krogsgard
Syed Balkhi and Awesome Motive have acquired Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress, which according to Syed is the second most popular analytics plugin in the WordPress.org repository. Its new name is ExactMetrics. The move fits within the goals of Awesome…

Are you dealing with bloated code…

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Dan Knauss
Are you dealing with bloated code and overdue for some refactoring? Head over to Mario Peshev's recent post, "How to Identify, Debug, and Improve Messed Up WordPress Code." Mario explains why bloated code might lead to security problems and headaches while explaining…

Making WordPress and WordSesh — Draft podcast

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Katie Richards
In this episode, Brian and Brian discuss the upcoming WordSesh schedule and go spelunking through make.wordpress.org to surface some recent gems making their way to WordPress.org – both the project and the website.

The meta episode — Draft podcast

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Katie Richards
In this episode, Brian and Brian discuss meta data in WordPress, including the challenge of implementing data into new tools, such as the REST API and the Gutenberg editor.

Over at WeGlot, they’ve put together…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Over at WeGlot, they've put together a detailed summary of how they've scaled their support capacity with HelpScout to handle 500 customer emails a week and non-stop live chat. That means 70+ conversations a day and a commitment to never shut…

SiteLock has been acquired by private equity firm ABRY Partners

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
SiteLock has been acquired by a private equity firm in for an undisclosed amount. Following the Sucuri acquisition by GoDaddy, now the two most prominent website security businesses in the space have been gobbled up. SiteLock has more than twelve…

John Maeda has released his 2018…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
John Maeda has released his 2018 Design in Tech report. This is always an interesting case study on the broad design world, and it's curated by Automattic's chief designer. I was also intrigued by a recent tweet from John highlighting…

Ethics in design has always been…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Ethics in design has always been an important topic in technical fields, but lately it's been in the public eye too. Morten Rand-Hendriksen's recent article, Using Ethics In Web Design is an important contribution to a renewed discussion of  this topic among…

WordSesh online conference is back, on July 25th

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Brian Richards has taken over WordSesh from Scott Basgaard, and is hosting the online event on July 25th. It's being revised from 24 hours to 12 hours, which should be a plenty big window for people around the world to…
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