WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Taking a new product from concept to launch

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Brian Krogsgard
When you launch a new project there’s always a buzz of excitement, hope, and relief, but also that of fear of failure and disappointment. This is something I’ve experienced for all the projects I’ve been part of over the past…

Jesse Watson, Software Development Manager at…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Jesse Watson, Software Development Manager at Amazon Fulfillment Technologies, explores what makes software development "hard." One of his sources claims that over 40% of software projects fail! The insight Jesse draws from all this failure is expressed in the "One Skull Rule."…

Daniel Bachhuber announced a beta period…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Daniel Bachhuber announced a beta period for distributed host testing, a framework for any hosting company to run the WordPress the PHPUnit test suite on their infrastructure, and then report the results back to WordPress.org. SiteGround and WP Engine are…

CodeInWP recently wrapped up their 2017…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
CodeInWP recently wrapped up their 2017 WordPress Hosting Survey, with 4700 responses. Some of the more interesting tidbits, at least to me: - GoDaddy was the most popular host, accounting for 15.3% of all responses, with the majority of them…

There’s been talk of how difficult…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
There's been talk of how difficult it is to stand out in the WordPress professional theme space lately. David A. Kennedy at ThemeShaper says Gutenberg is going to change this "in a big way." David thinks the new editor will add such…

If you’re looking for some good,…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
If you're looking for some good, recent podcasts, you might want to check out this interview with Brad Williams over at Robojuice. It's an hour-long show focused on security and the question of whether WordPress is secure enough for Microsoft. The…

SiteLock has acquired a Dutch security…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
SiteLock has acquired a Dutch security company called Patchman, which doubles the number of active sites they’ll have on their network. Patchman patches (good name!) vulnerabilities on the server, based on scanning files and identifying known vulnerable software. This is…

Free speech, privacy, and the web

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Web-based hosts, platforms, and businesses need a plan for how they'll handle issues around free speech and privacy rights for their users and customers.
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