
WordPress security news and issues.

Mika Epstein notifies developers of a…

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Brian Krogsgard
Mika Epstein notifies developers of a recent plugin guideline change in the WordPress plugin repo. Guideline 12 (“Public facing pages on may not spam”) is now more clear in broadcasting the message “Do not use your readme to spam.”…

WooCommerce switches accounts to utilize credentials

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Brian Krogsgard
WooCommerce has officially switched over to require account credentials. The announcement was made by Todd Wilkens, the new lead of WooCommerce within Automattic. Todd was formerly the head of mobile and chat products at Atlassian (HipChat, etc). This change…

WordPress 4.7.2 shipped today with security…

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 4.7.2 shipped today with security updates. All three updates require existing administrative access, so don't seem to have a super high risk profile compared to publicly exposed areas. You should've already gotten automatic update notices for your websites --…

WP CLI is now under the WordPress umbrella

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Brian Krogsgard
WP CLI is moving under the umbrella of Matt Mullenweg made the announcement, and in it says he's also, "bringing together a number of companies in the WordPress ecosystem to solidify their financial support of runcommand so that Daniel…

Robert Rowley has been monitoring insecure…

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Brian Krogsgard
Robert Rowley has been monitoring insecure WordPress plugins which exposed PHP objects to potential injection on Pagely servers -- and shares how they addressed the issue. There are several interesting takeaways, but I especially liked his note about communicating with…

Hendrik Buchwald has done a fascinating…

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Brian Krogsgard
Hendrik Buchwald has done a fascinating breakdown of security vulnerabilities in plugins, with analysis of detected vulnerabilities by type and by how many lines of code are in the plugin. Surprisingly, their software didn't pick up vulnerabilities in the "vast…

ReviewSignal’s annual WordPress hosting results takeaways

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Brian Krogsgard
Kevin Ohashi does the best WordPress hosting technical analysis out there. He's just come out with his 2016 benchmarks, which are the culmination of months of testing twenty six companies, across six price tiers, with five different methodologies. In addition…

Renewed push for WordPress REST API content endpoints

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Brian Krogsgard
There's a renewed push going on right now to try and get what is being termed "content endpoints" into WordPress core with the 4.7 release -- which is being led by Helen Hou-Sandí of 10up. In the first core development…

iThemes Security Pro introduces a new…

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Brian Krogsgard
iThemes Security Pro introduces a new feature – WordPress version management. This feature automatically updates your site to new versions of WordPress, along with themes and plugins, and has the ability to, “scan for other out of date WordPress sites,” on…

Makers of WP Rocket are getting into WordPress security

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Brian Krogsgard
WP Media -- the team behind WP Rocket (a commercial caching product) -- are getting into the WordPress security sector. SecuPress hasn't yet launched, but they are starting early access trials for people that sign up through their home page.…

The Prototype Fund is a project…

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Brian Krogsgard
The Prototype Fund is a project of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Individuals and small teams can apply for funding for projects related to open source tools and applications in…
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