Networking at an Online Conference

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Written By Michelle Frechette

1 thought on “Networking at an Online Conference”

  1. I get it that WordCamp US was organized on a super short timeline, but one of the things that I was disappointed about was no clear guidance or ways to “hallway track”. I know that expense is a part of that as well as the time crunch. But opportunities to network and meet people is a big part of WordCamps for a lot of people.

    Since at least some virtual component for these types of events is probably not going away even once we return to in-person events, can we come up with some ideas about how we can create some good low-barrier opportunities for online networking?

    For instance, a couple of the vendors had Zoom rooms for socializing/networking. What if we have a variety of Zoom rooms around particular interests — not with programming, but with just opportunities to chat? Plugin devs, agency owners, newbies, Blocks, WP-CLI, content creators — all sorts of topics. Of course with designated hosts and some boundaries about not “selling”…

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