WordPress News


Launching a product at a WordCamp

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Brian Krogsgard
In this post about the launch of FooPlugins, Adam Warner does a great job chronicling his experience with Brad Vincent of launching a product at WordCamp. It's a great read, with very nice advice for others that may be trying…

Advice for speaking at WordCamps

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Brian Krogsgard
Chris Lema offers some great advice for getting started with speaking at WordCamps. I completely agree with his points - it's very practical advice for new (and experienced) speakers.

WordPress is turning 10 – let’s party everywhere

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WordPress turns 10 on May 27th. So, in proper celebratory manor, WordPress.org is helping WordPress users to host and attend local WordPress parties everywhere. Many meetup organizers will likely coordinate in your various towns, but feel free to host your…

The Events Calendar 3.0 preview

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
The folks at Modern Tribe have been working really hard on The Events Calendar, their flagship product. Their 3.0 release is nearing completion, and they've got a preview available for you and me. It looks fantastic. I'm really excited about a lot…

Announcing the Uber Media WordPress plugin

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Iain Poulson
The Uber Media WordPress plugin upgrades the new WordPress Media Manager with support for third party services such as Flickr, Instagram, 500px and Dribbble out of the box. Fully integrated with WordPress you don’t even need to leave the Media…
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