
Sponsoring open source

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Brian Krogsgard

Dries Buytaert wrote a post analyzing the contributions to Drupal, and who sponsored them. Despite the large number of individual contributors, a relatively small number do the majority of the work. Approximately 51% of the contributors involved got just one…

The open web’s challenge

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Brian Krogsgard

I missed this article when it was first published, but Zack Rosen has a great post on the open web over at TechCrunch. Zack is the CEO of Pantheon, a web host specializing in Drupal and WordPress sites. He says, “the open web is…

I missed this article when it…

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David Bisset

I missed this article when it was first published, but when I saw Zack Rosen post on the open web on TechCrunch I took a few minutes to read his thoughts. His thoughts on the "open web not going anywhere"…

Pantheon has raised $29 million to…

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Brian Krogsgard
Pantheon has raised $29 million to invest more into their WordPress and Drupal hosting platform, with a Series C round, totaling $57 million to date. As is noted in the article, and said to me by a Pantheon employee, they…

Here’s a nice writeup from Valet on why…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Here's a nice writeup from Valet on why they (a WordPress agency) went to DrupalCon. There are plenty of things to learn from both Drupal and WordCamp teams, and I wouldn't mind going to a Drupal (or Joomla) conference if the opportunity presented…

The steady move upmarket in WordPress hosting

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Brian Krogsgard
Media Temple is the latest company to offer an "enterprise" level WordPress hosting option. Their new offering is based on Amazon Web Services and starts at $2,500 per month. From TechCrunch: The standard enterprise plan costs $2,500 per month comes…

The aftermath of the Panama Papers…

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The aftermath of the Panama Papers is going to be happening for a long time, but a few sources that are trying to figure how exactly the link happened have been recently mentioning a three-year old install of Drupal. A…

This Acquia retrospective by Drupal found…

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This Acquia retrospective by Drupal found Dries Buytaert is pretty fascinating, both because Acquia has gotten so big (750 people in 10 offices) and because it's just so... corporate feeling. Drupal and WordPress have never felt so different to me,…


Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

WordPress has been 25%-ish of the internet for a while now. The last year has shown about a 2% market share gain, according to W3Techs. But this week, it's "official". At least according to the metrics available. Matt Mullenweg's blog…

Acquia, the services company from the…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Acquia, the services company from the founder of Drupal, has raised $55 million in a series G round. I imagine Drupal 8 is going to help them make a lot of money with their consulting work.

Lessons for WordPress, from Drupalcon

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Brian Krogsgard

Drupalcon is happening, and Drupal founder Dries Buytaert has made his keynote slides available. They are highly informative and well worth looking through, even without the presentation audio. I'll highlight the big items, but seriously just see the slides, because it's…

Successful open source

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Brian Krogsgard

Jeffrey McGuire -- of Acquia, the Drupal version of Automattic -- has a great post and accompanying podcast on, "idealism and what successful open source looks like." It does a great job expressing common ideals. My favorite bit: I want…

Yoast to expand to Drupal with SEO product

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
It makes sense, given Yoast SEO's recent API changes and adjustment to a real-time Javascript driven SEO analysis, that they can now create a cross platform SEO product. And today they announced that Yoast SEO for Drupal 7 will be available…

The CMSs powering American news websites

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Brian Krogsgard

It might surprise you that WordPress is not the most used CMS amongst traditional news outlets in the United States. Barrett Golding, of the Reynolds Journalism Institute, surveyed over 1,500 news outlets in the US, and attempted to identify their…

Two CMSs, one pageload

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. This may…
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