Full Site Editing

Annual Survey • State of the Word 2022 • LearnWP Site Updates • Block Editor in Support Forums • Dev Guide to Block Theme Course Pt2

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Courtney Robertson
It's time once again to share your feedback about all things WordPress in the 2022 survey. Tune in next week to hear Matt Mullenweg during is annual address: State of the Word. When submitting issues in the WordPress forums, you'll soon find several blocks to use in the editor. #LearnWP has site updates and a new block theme course for developers.

WordPress In The Long View With James Farmer— Post Status Draft 129

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Cory Miller
James Farmer’s WordPress story goes all the way back to his launch of the first hosted WordPress multisite blogging platform — just a few days ahead of WordPress.com. Edublogs currently hosts millions of students’ and educators’ blogs. James talks about successes and failures, his views on Gutenberg, how he stays competitive with Squarespace, and how he thinks the WordPress business community should respond to the loss of active install growth data at WordPress.org.

InstaWP: A Conversation and Tour with Founder Vikas Singhal — Post Status Draft 128

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Dan Knauss
InstaWP is about a year old now — let's take a tour of it and catch up with Vikas Singhal to see how he hopes it will evolve. Currently, it's a testing, demonstration, training, and marketing tool for WordPress product owners and agencies. Next, Vikas aims for InstaWP to support a marketplace for developers and agencies launching WordPress sites. Finally, he envisions it becoming a platform of platforms — WordPress-as-a-Service for people building their own WPaaS

Post Status Excerpt (No. 72) — Can We Get to “Yes” on Better UX?

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Dan Knauss
This week in an article shared in Post Status Slack, Eric Karkovack suggested some ways to improve the WordPress user experience, especially for DIY users setting up a website for the first time. Some of the things Eric wants to see happen, like a standard interface for plugins and a curated view of the plugin ecosystem, are also commonly expressed by designers, developers, and people in other roles at WordPress agencies serving enterprise clients. Can we get everyone to "yes" on a better UX?

Post Status Excerpt (No. 71) — Building, Supporting, and Selling a Winning Product — With or Without WordPress.org

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Dan Knauss
This week I sat down again with Eric Karkovack to talk about the WordPress stories and topics that are on the top of our minds. Independently, we made nearly the same selections. There's a single throughline in this episode — what works, what doesn't, and what will take WordPress businesses forward in the product, agency, and hosting spaces.

New Features to Test in Gutenberg 14.1

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Dan Knauss
A reminder from Anne McCarthy about the importance of your help testing Gutenberg 14.1 in advance of the WordPress 6.1 release: If you have the current Gutenberg (plugin) release installed, you can use block template parts without adopting everything that…

Tech Roundup for the Week of September 12

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Daniel Schutzsmith
Fresh off the heels of WordCamp US, here’s a glimpse of what’s going on in the world of design and development in the WordPress space. There were several fantastic talks about design, accessibility, WP-CLI, blocks, and FSE at the event. We’re looking forward to highlighting some videos once they’re online.
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