
Upcoming Events 📆 EXPAND 2021 is…

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Dan Knauss

Upcoming Events 📆 EXPAND 2021 is a free virtual event for web designers and developers being hosted by GoDaddy Pro from April 27-28. 🆓 The WordPress London Meetup is happening on April 29th and will discuss the hidden features of…

A new study from North Carolina…

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Brian Krogsgard

A new study from North Carolina State University and Microsoft discovered that the technical interviews currently used in hiring for many software engineering positions actually test whether a job candidate has performance anxiety rather than whether the candidate is competent…


Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Most businesses deal with churn, even the ones that don't call it that. Businesses with recurring revenue deal with churn most directly. We want to keep the customers we have. We want them to renew over and over again —…

Video and Podcast Picks of the…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Video and Podcast Picks of the Week 📹 Here's my recommendation for video watching this week: Alex Young

Video and Podcast Picks 📹 Here’s…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Video and Podcast Picks 📹 Here's my recommendation for video watching this week: The "Cost of JavaScript 2019" video (and blog post) from Addy Osmani at the PerfMatters Conference 2019 shows the main costs of processing JavaScript are download and…

WCEU 2019 in Review

Photo of author
David Bisset
WordCamp Europe 2019 hosted a record 3,200+ people, according to ticket sales. WCEU started with a contributor day on Thursday, June 20, followed by the two main conference days on Friday and Saturday.

🎙️ Podcast of the week: Jason…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

🎙️ Podcast of the week: Jason Barnard interviews Joost de Valk. They talk about Google's investment in WordPress, among other things.

Stephan Spencer interviews Matt Mullenweg on…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Stephan Spencer interviews Matt Mullenweg on his "Marketing Speak" podcast. I haven't had a chance to listen to this personally, but I heard some good things, and it's on my playlist.

Gutenberg 4.5 was released a few…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Gutenberg 4.5 was released a few days ago, and it "matches the first 5.0 RC feature set." Some notable additions include: (1) a minimal multi-selection block panel; (2) the “Disable Visual Editor” option can be set on a per-user basis; (3)…

Sam Brodie of Offsprout created the…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Sam Brodie of Offsprout created the WordPress Influencer Project, where he interviewed nine people from the community about their journey to have a role in the project ecosystem. It's a nice project with some great interviews, and I was pleased…

Jenn Schiffer, Community Engineer of,…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Jenn Schiffer, Community Engineer of, interviews Gary Pendergast about open source licensing and how it relates to WordPress. Gary mentions he's happy with React's move to the MIT license, but still points out how it could be improved. One…

In a recent episode of How…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

In a recent episode of How I Built It, Joe Casabona interviews Alex Cancado, one of the founders of Gravity Forms. Gravity Forms is one of the oldest commercial plugins I can think of. Alex talks about the company as well…
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