Member Spotlight

What is the WordPress community capable of? A lot of good. And a few bad apples.

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Michelle Frechette
WordPress 6.1 is here, and it's awesome! It takes more than a village — really a small city — to keep us moving forward. Thank a contributor — there are thousands of them. • Thanks especially to Mika Epstein! It’s beyond brave of Mika to share what she has gone through for the Plugins Team and the whole community. No one should ever have to go through what she has. You should know her story if you don't.

What AI and Automation Are — and Aren’t — Good For

Photo of author
Michelle Frechette
Thoughts on how AI and automation can be enabling to individuals and help us all be part of our communities where human-to-human interaction is the best and most vital part. • We love our community on Twitter, but maybe that's not where our community will be in the future. • Nev Harris is in our Member Spotlight. • Our Black Friday deals are live — and you can still add yours. WordPress Accessibility Day, WordFest, and WP Wealthbuilder Summit are coming right up, and so are WordCamps! We'd love to see you at one of our EU/US weekly Huddles.

Business Member Spotlight: WP Webhooks

Photo of author
Michelle Frechette
WP Webhooks is this week's Business Member Spotlight in our new series highlighting business members. To say I'm impressed with WP Webhooks (and Jannis Thuemmig) is, quite honestly, a huge understatement. WP Webhooks is a game changer: fully automated and codeless…
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