I’ve seen a few folks fawn…

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I've seen a few folks fawn over Kite recently, which brands itself as a "co-pilot" for developers. As you code in your IDE or even the terminal, it provides helpful reminders, definitions, and catches misspellings. Watch the video too see…

John Jacoby writes how everything is…

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John Jacoby writes how everything is a variable, and although I won't spoil all this points and his final conclusion I wanted to share this: Once plugins and themes can (and will) start flexing more PHP muscle, the WordPress world…

Server Pilot on top of Digital Ocean

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Brian Krogsgard
This afternoon, I spent a few minutes playing with Server Pilot, after seeing is mentioned in Slack for at least the fifth time. Server Pilot offers a control panel and an API for managing WordPress installs on top of Digital…

Make WordPress Great Again

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Brian Krogsgard

The 2016 Stack Overflow Developer Survey is out. It's got a ton of data and it's been shared around a good bit already. In terms of WordPress, it appeared on the "winners"  list in terms of "trending tech", but the survey notes…

The Jorbin Test

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Aaron Jorbin
The Joel Test has largely stood the test of time, yet there isn't a WordPress specific version to help WordPress developers judge job opportunities. The Jorbin Test is the Joel Test, updated for the WordPress engineers of today.

PHP 5.6 support to be extended through 2018

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Brian Krogsgard
PHP has voted on a proposal to extend support for PHP 5.6 -- the most recent non-PHP-7 release -- through 2018. The vote is a great step for WordPress, as version 5.6 only has about 12% adoption still. PHP 5.6…

State of the Word, 2015

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Brian Krogsgard
Matt Mullenweg has just completed the 2015 State of the Word, the annual speech where he highlights the last year of everything WordPress and what we can anticipate in the future.

JavaScript and the future of WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard

Scott Bolinger has written a great post that outlines some of the things to consider for a future that includes a more JavaScript-centric WordPress. Two of the most thought provoking sections of his post are on enabling support for plugins,…

WordPress shortcomings, from developers that prefer other software

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Brian Krogsgard

The Toast is a popular blog that recently underwent a redesign, and includes an in-depth series on the Responsive Web Design blog going over many of the implementation and process details. The series doesn't speak particularly highly (or accurately) about…

I got an email from a…

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Brian Krogsgard

I got an email from a friend today, who is hosted on DreamHost, saying they had upgraded her company's website to PHP 5.6. In it, they also noted they are removing PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 completely from their system…
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