
Some prominent sites have moved to…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Some prominent sites have moved to WordPress recently. 🧳 Basecamp's popular blog Signal v Noise switched to WordPress from Medium, noting that "three years ago [Medium] was a wonderful place and community for our kind of writing." David Heinemeier Hansson says…

Tumblr shares some statistics after their…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Tumblr shares some statistics after their move to PHP 7. Almost immediately they saw their latency drop by half and the CPU load on the servers decrease "at least 50%." I like their very short but true summary at the end…

Envato is introducing a hosted website platform

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
It's easy to see some parallels between ThemeCloud and Envato Sites in terms of goals, but they are vastly different in execution. The basic goals for each is to make making websites easier. Envato has chosen to go with a fully…

Post formats are slowly dying, and that’s okay

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Post formats were introduced in WordPress 3.1. They were, and still are, little more than an organizational feature that allows themes to support ten custom content formats such as asides, links, quotes, video, and audio. They are just a taxonomy…

WordPress isn’t falling behind

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
When Tumblr first appeared, everyone wanted WordPress to begin emulating its features. Then came Medium and the same cry. Then Ghost launched and again the retort sounded that “WordPress is falling behind!” But is WordPress really lagging behind the pack?…
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