
What is WP Cloud?

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Dan Knauss
WP Cloud is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) built on the hosting infrastructure that’s behind WP.com, Pressable, and WordPress VIP with GridPane soon to follow. Agencies that want to white label their client hosting are ideal customers for WP Cloud via GridPane.

Writing is a Challenging But Needed Profession in WordPress

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Eric Karkovack
The WordPress project, software, and community are equally important. They all play a role in ensuring growth, progress, and success. A sizeable economy of users, builders, and business owners depends on it. That’s why staying informed is vital. And so much of the reporting and learning opportunities come from unofficial sources. We need more people within the WordPress community who are interested in writing and more places to amplify their voices.

The $500 Website

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Dan Knauss
A decade ago, Chris Butler's survey and report for Newfangled provided other agencies with the numbers that meaningfully define their market. WordPress agencies and freelancers could use something similar today.

WordPress.com has changed a lot

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Dan Knauss
This is managed WordPress hosting — and has been all along I've been delinquent with posting on my .blog blog on WordPress.com for about a year, so when I bought into the Pro plan after the first recent price change…

WordPress at a Massive Scale

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Olivia Bisset
Cory Miller talks with Lead Solutions Engineer at WordPress VIP, Sean O'Shaughnessy. Learn about WordPress hosting at a massive scale with some blind case study examples.

Faster and Faster

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Dan Knauss
Kevin Ohashi has released another annual report for WordPress (and WooCommerce) Hosting Benchmarks. My takeaways: https://twitter.com/post_status/status/1551672904852484096?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1551672904852484096%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Fquery%3Dhttps3A2F2Ftwitter.com2Fpost_status2Fstatus2F1551672904852484096widget%3DTweet https://twitter.com/post_status/status/1551674571366940672 https://twitter.com/post_status/status/1551676428202102785

The Decline of Speed Booster Pack

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Barış Ünver
WordPress success stories are great, but this time, you’re going to read about a failure. It’s about the Speed Booster Pack plugin and the depressing, constant decline of its active installs.

Jetpack’s Reputation and History

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Dan Knauss
What's your current take on Jetpack? It seems to me that complaints about bloat and too much going on in one plugin started to disappear several years ago. The idea it was a "Trojan Horse" designed to get users into…

It’s Hard to COPE Without a WordPress Lite

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Dan Knauss
It's still far from simple to do well — let alone do better — what was first possible in the Web 1.0 era, even before WordPress was born. Thoughts on "WordPress Lite" and "Create Once, Publish Everywhere."

Post Status Excerpt (No. 62) — The Open Web Universe with Matt Mullenweg

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Olivia Bisset
David and Olivia Bisset sat down for a chat with Matt Mullenweg about open source, Tumblr, and how Matt deals with negativity. Matt has three roles today: CEO of Tumblr, CEO of Automattic, and project lead for the next release of WordPress. He shares what went wrong with post formats and what he would love to acquire next if he could. The answer may (or may not) surprise you! Recorded shortly before WordCamp Europe 2022.
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