Writing is a Challenging But Needed Profession in WordPress

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Written By Eric Karkovack

3 thoughts on “Writing is a Challenging But Needed Profession in WordPress”

  1. I appreciate the call to writers to write in the vein of journalism. I think the whole community could be benefited from more journalism and earned knowledge from writers.

    • Absolutely. Information is critical to help us all evolve along with WordPress. The more people who can help, the better!

  2. We actually don’t see our mission as a journalistic one at Post Status. I think Sarah does that at The Tavern in a way and at a level no one else can now. I think what we do with our posts, podcasts, and videos is sometimes journalistic but usually not journalism. The WP Minute, The Repository, and MasterWP are similar but have different goals, and they do traditional journalism sometimes — possibly more than we do.

    Rae recently did some solid traditional journalism for MasterWP about the Australian WordCamp situation , and Allie did too for a MasterWP podcast on how the pandemic has affected contributors. Allie works with Rae on the Repository too, as you may know. These collaborations are really great to see happening, and some of it can lead to good reporting and analysis pieces. Rae and others have a background in journalism, in their formal education and experience. I do too, a little.

    We do short “reportage” and curation at Post Status to show how things fit together and change (or don’t change) over time in the world of WordPress. (There’s a 10-year archive here to tend, and I hope others will use it more for research and writing.) We also do WordPress community and ecosystem-oriented analysis and think pieces. That kind of writing might be a variation on traditional business/trade journalism. But overall Post Status is a membership community that self-organizes for the wide variety of benefits that come from that. (I’ve referred to it as being like a guild or trade association.) The media publishing side of Post Status supports the membership and is supported by it. We are a means of promoting, advocating, and raising critical questions for, by, and even about our members.

    I’m curious what others think about this. I’m especially interested in takes on how the more we approach “professional journalism” in the WordPress space, the more it professionalizes and (maybe legitimizes?) the brand and open source “commons” beyond our bubble — making it all more understandable, interesting, and maybe attractive as a market of markets for entrepreneurs, and an industry with all kinds of possible career paths for people who might want to work in it.

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