Two Worlds of WordPress

This is a weekly column by Marieke van de Rakt and Joost de Valk, veteran entrepreneurs and leaders in WP, and partners at Post Status, sharing their perspectives on what they’re seeing in WordPress.

Why is open source so very cool?

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Marieke van de Rakt
I am an open source fangirl. And I think it should be celebrated much more. In a world that needs more sustainability, transparency, and equality, open source should be more prominent, embraced, acknowledged, and applauded by the whole world. The…

Why raise capital?

Photo of author
Marieke van de Rakt
In her weekly column, the first of 2024, Marieke speaks about getting investment, or not! Selling part of your company to investors can spur rapid growth, but it means losing some ownership. If you take investment, choose investors who offer more than money, like valuable advice and market expertise!

Open source beyond WordPress

Photo of author
Marieke van de Rakt
Marieke van de Rakt encourages exploring and learning from other open-source communities beyond WordPress, emphasizing the benefits of such engagement for innovation and addressing common challenges.

Agile all the way

Photo of author
Marieke van de Rakt
I am a true entrepreneur. I like to do things lean, mean, and quick. And I genuinely believe in an agile business model, especially in the WordPress world.  At Yoast, we used to call it ‘hup hup hup’. It means…

Free versus premium

Photo of author
Marieke van de Rakt
In her weekly post, Marieke talks about how the WordPress plugin directory is a pivotal feature that has propelled the CMS to success. She notices there is a concerning shift among new developers towards bypassing free plugins for premium versions. Read her thoughts!

On funding and business success

Photo of author
Marieke van de Rakt
Sometimes it seems like a startup is only successful if it has raised capital from investors. These startups are featured in the media. On the business side of WordPress, there’s a lot of talk about acquisitions and the raising of…

Knowing me, knowing you

Photo of author
Marieke van de Rakt
Marieke writing about navigating the dynamics of the WordPress community, which can be a unique experience. While newcomers often find it challenging to integrate, even long-standing contributors sometimes feel like outsiders. Striking a balance between embracing the old and welcoming the new is crucial. But how do we ensure everyone feels appreciated?

Two Worlds of WordPress

Photo of author
Marieke van de Rakt
WordPress has two faces, two different sides, two different worlds even.  At least, that’s what I see when I look at WordPress. You have the community side, with people enthusiastic about open source, contributing to the project, organizing amazing events.…
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