WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Seriously Simple Podcasting sold

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Brian Krogsgard
Hugh Lashbrooke has sold Seriously Simple Podcasting to Craig Hewitt of Podcast Motor. This is not because I no longer believe in the product or the mission to democratise podcasting – far from it – I am in fact selling…

Automattic, Calypso, and the WordPress project

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Brian Krogsgard
I think bringing Automattic resources into core WordPress development to put a huge effort into improving the WordPress editing experience is a good thing. An email went out last week to the authors of all plugins with more than one million active…

Mel Choyce, a WordPress core committer…

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Brian Krogsgard
Mel Choyce, a WordPress core committer and the designer of Twenty Seventeen, shares thoughts on how good design feedback should be structured. My favorite is probably the last one on the list: Frame feedback as suggestions, not mandates. “What if…

The ROI of WordCamp sponsorship

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Brian Krogsgard
Tony Perez guest posted on WP Tavern about the ROI of WordCamp sponsorships. He provides great insight into the thinking behind sponsoring events, which is highly valuable for WordCamp organizers, business owners, and the broader WordPress community as well. Even as event…

“Don’t Use Carousels” is a mantra…

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Dan Knauss
"Don't Use Carousels" is a mantra that's been going around the design community for years, but i found Chris Coyier's article at MediaTemple's blog to take a sensible approach in explaining why that absolute is a bit overboard. If you…

I’m always amazed what can be…

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Dan Knauss
I'm always amazed what can be done with CSS and when I think i've seen everything, I see something that I think is cool. This time it's this one that shows filtering content using only CSS. There are drawbacks, but…

Matt Cromwell shows us how to…

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Dan Knauss
Matt Cromwell shows us how to enqueue scripts only when a widget or shortcode is present. Useful if you don't want something like a stylesheet to be enqueued EVERYWHERE regardless of whether it's being used on the page or not.

Denis Sinegubko from Sucuri demonstrates what…

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Dan Knauss
Denis Sinegubko from Sucuri demonstrates what lessons we can learn from WordPress WP-Login malware in a recent post. If your site is ever hacked, always remember that hackers can take over existing legit admin accounts - so Denis recommends not…

A small team from Mozilla has…

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Dan Knauss
A small team from Mozilla has created FlyWheel which - as this post explains - is "an API for web pages to host local web servers for exposing content and services to nearby browsers". This is interesting because these browser…

Matt Medeiros does some testing to…

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Dan Knauss
Matt Medeiros does some testing to determine if Jetpack slows down a WordPress site. The short answer according to him? Not really. But his methods and opinions in his post are worth the read. While you are checking that out,…

I enjoyed Nash Vail explanation of…

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Dan Knauss
I enjoyed Nash Vail explanation of how CSS pseduo-classes work - especially the diagrams and charts used. If you are pressing forward with CSS and haven't mastered this yet, bookmark this article.

WPEngine has announced “One-Tap Payments” for…

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Dan Knauss
WPEngine has announced "One-Tap Payments" for WordPress ecommerce sites. Their WooCommerce extension leverages the Payment Request API — which is already available in the mobile versions of Chrome for Android. There is not a huge amount of in-depth information in…

Alex Denning writes about Jetpack modules…

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Dan Knauss
Alex Denning writes about Jetpack modules that you might have missed. As Alex points out in the post and in this comment on Twitter that the "role Jetpack plays in reducing abandonment rates from new installs" is notable.

Per Søderlind, who calls Oslo his…

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Dan Knauss
Per Søderlind, who calls Oslo his home, has developed an SVG logo Custom Control for the WordPress Customizer. It's a proof of concept, but seems to be worth the time to review his walkthrough if you find yourself needing to…

I thought Russell Aaron writing of…

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Dan Knauss
I thought Russell Aaron writing of a "beginners guide" for "better" WordPress support was very relatable to some of those less technical WordPress site owners I know. Russell touches on how to ask the questions, not just where to ask…
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