WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

WPTavern has some excellent thoughts on…

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WPTavern has some excellent thoughts on communication, especially when it comes to developers informing their users about the status of their projects. Developers give little thought to how they would handle emergencies -- such a security breach -- until it…

From “Feature Plugins” to “Feature Projects”

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Brian Krogsgard
I've been looking forward to a post like this. Helen Hou-Sandí has written about an evolution of the feature plugin model. Over the last two and a half years, we’ve had successful feature plugins that were merged into core, efforts…

WordPress and SaaS — Draft podcast

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Katie Richards
Joe and Brian discuss WordPress in the context of SaaS — or Software as a Service. They dig into WordPress as a tool for a SaaS within another industry, as well as WordPress-centric tools with SaaS based business models.

The WordPress design team is looking…

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The WordPress design team is looking for feedback, which is part of the early exploratory research for revisions to the Plugin Directory. If you have ever used an app store or installed an extension in any major browser... they would…

GoDaddy targets Digital Ocean with new cloud infrastructure

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Brian Krogsgard
GoDaddy is targeting products by companies like Digital Ocean and Amazon with their new by-the-hour Cloud Services and Apps project. The pricing is pretty much a direct mirror of Digital Ocean's right now (starts at $5 per month), and they…

WordPress Hosting — Draft podcast

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Brian Krogsgard
In this episode, Joe and Brian talk all about WordPress hosting, including the different types of hosting that are available, our technical preferences, and some of the non-technical issues that surround hosting in the WordPress world.

Dates for CaboPress have been announced.…

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Dates for CaboPress have been announced. The event is happening on November 14th - 17th in Los Cabos, Mexico and according to event organizer Chris Lema only 20-30 spots are available. CaboPress is a unique WordPress event not only in…

Yet another survey for the WordPress recommended hosting page

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Brian Krogsgard
In discussing the Pressable story, a few folks have asked me about the WordPress recommended hosting page, and if Automattic's ownership of Pressable will affect that page. The answer is that I don't think so, but I don't know for sure. However,…

Review Signal has changed the algorithm…

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Brian Krogsgard
Review Signal has changed the algorithm used to rank web hosts. A number of hosts were affected, and I thought you may like to see how. I believe Kevin does a terrific job with this site and it's the only…

The Jorbin Test

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Aaron Jorbin
The Joel Test has largely stood the test of time, yet there isn't a WordPress specific version to help WordPress developers judge job opportunities. The Jorbin Test is the Joel Test, updated for the WordPress engineers of today.

Plugin repo and frameworks

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Brian Krogsgard
There's a newly clarified policy on Make Plugins from Mika Epstein where she says that developer frameworks are no longer going to be approved for the plugin repo. Plugins like CMB2, Advanced Custom Fields and others that may be dependencies of other…

Mandrill ditches free plans, stacks onto paid Mailchimp

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Brian Krogsgard
Most of you know this by now, as it's been all over the web and a hot topic in Slack, but Mailchimp is ditching free Mandrill plans for transactional emails, and stacking Mandrill onto paid Mailchimp plans. But even if…
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