WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

The website for A Day of…

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The website for A Day of REST is now powered by the REST API, and uses React. Better yet, it's available on Github! Happy exploring. Nice work by my podcast co-host Joe Hoyle, with design by Noel Tock.

Let’s finish with a couple of…

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Let's finish with a couple of publishing hot takes... Ben Thompson talks about how Grantland was a money pit for ESPN, but why it shouldn't have been. Text is a gateway drug, and Bill Simmons is already proving it with…

Orion is ManageWP’s new dashboard design…

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Orion is ManageWP's new dashboard design and complete rebuild. They've set it up as a toggle-able environment from the old one, so you can adjust at your own pace. It looks quite nice. I'd be interested in feedback from ManageWP…

Organizational decentralization and web governance

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Brian Krogsgard
Big organizations have many different strategies -- or sometimes lackthereof -- for managing their web presence. One of the biggest decisions to make organizationally is whether or not to centralize or decentralize website management and decisions across departments. The concepts…

The dangers or selling under non-disclosure

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Brian Krogsgard
Gilbert Pellegrom has written a post that somewhat tells the story of what happened with WP Updates. Most of you know that WP Updates was acquired, and as I previously reported, was under a non-disclosure agreement as part of the…

Facebook has enabled search that allows…

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Facebook has enabled search that allows you to search all public posts. This means you might finally be able to see where those Facebook referrals are coming from, if not from a group. TechCrunch has the full story. They had…

Envato is incorporating in the US

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Brian Krogsgard
Envato is expanding operations to the United States, with an official incorporation. Many large companies do this, where they are registered in their home country, and again in large business centers. The US is a huge business center for Envato…

Playing with type

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Brian Krogsgard
Good typography choices and practices can be elusive to non-designers. But choosing a great typeface is possible, even if you're not an expert. There are many great tools, resources, and tips available to help us make the right decisions.

Two AMAs to make you smarter

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Brian Krogsgard
Two AMAs happened today with people I respect a lot, in different walks of life. AMA with Pippin Williamson Pippin Williamson, you all know, makes plugins. He did a great AMA on ManageWP. I'm going to steal some nuggets: On…

Restrict Content Pro has a dedicated…

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Restrict Content Pro has a dedicated site now. It's the smallest of Pippin William's three primary projects, but it has a lot of potential. I imagine he knows that, and is giving it the real estate it deserves. The design…

“Beginning January 12, 2016, only the…

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"Beginning January 12, 2016, only the most current version of Internet Explorer available for a supported operating system will receive technical support and security updates," per the Internet Explorer support policy, as linked to from an announcement about IE11 support.…
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