WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Weekend edition

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Brian Krogsgard
Friday was a bit slow so I figured I'd wait for a weekend edition. We're going to pack it all into one Note. Jetpack had two vulnerabilities: one in the contact form (technically explained by Sucuri) and one limited to…

18F and the United States Digital Service…

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Brian Krogsgard
18F and the United States Digital Service (they are different, here's a description) are doing amazing things to advance government web properties. I think it's a pretty non-political statement to say their work could be a lasting legacy item for President…

Rest in peace, Alex King

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Alex King passed away at his home last night, after battling cancer for more than two and a half years. Alex was one of the original WordPress developers, and leaves a lasting legacy and impact on the WordPress community.

WooCommerce was release four years ago.…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WooCommerce was release four years ago. It's amazing. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was paying close attention to JigoShop at the time, and following the saga of WooThemes trying to come up with an eCommerce solution. The…

Matt Mullenweg did an AMA on…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Matt Mullenweg did an AMA on Product Hunt. There's not a ton you haven't seen, but apparently there's a new WordPress mobile app that's still in "internal" beta. I wonder if it's using the new REST API? I hope it's…

WP Updates sold under non-disclosure, experiences outage

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WP Updates is a SaaS that allows plugin and theme authors to provide automatic updates to their customers. It is a third party distribution system that the author uploads their updated files to and WP Updates sends it to customers.…

WordPress REST API proposed for core inclusion in two stages

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
The much anticipated proposal for core inclusion of the WordPress REST API is here. Ryan McCue -- the project lead -- has proposed a draft for the inclusion process that recommends a two stage approach. He recommends that stage one…

Popping the publisher bubble

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Ben Thompson does excellent analysis. In his latest post he talks about the big problems facing journalism and publishing online. Here's my favorite part: It is easy to feel sorry for publishers: before the Internet most were swimming in money,…

iThemes Security is integrating Sucuri malware scanning

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
iThemes announced today that both their free iThemes Security and their commercial iThemes Security Pro plugins are integrating Sucuri's malware scanning service. The free one is just an opt-in one off option, which is nice but can also be accomplished…
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