WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Use the_title() and the_title_attribute() Correctly

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Pippin Williamson
WordPress provides a nice little function for displaying the title of the current post: the_title(). This function gets used all over the place: in the site header, at the top of single posts and pages, in the loop, in the…

WordPress themes for comics

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Brian Krogsgard
I saw today that WordPress.com has released a new WordPress theme geared toward comic writers, called Panel. It reminded me of an older project called ComicPress. ComicPress was probably ahead of its time in terms of just how niche it…

New WordPress.org status blog

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Brian Krogsgard
Andrew Nacin announced this morning that they've launched a new "status" blog for WordPress.org that is not hosted in the same environment as the rest of WordPress.org. This is common practice for high-scale websites, and I'm happy to see it…

Upgrade your client services with documentation

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ZĂ© Fontainhas
Curtis McHale defends that including solid and comprehensive documentation with your projects is probably a task you can no longer ignore, if you want to stand out as a more complete WordPress developer.

A refreshed Post Status

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Brian Krogsgard
Post Status has been iterating quite a bit over the last six months since it launched. However, not everyone noticed. I'm excited to launch a redesign that reflects the changing purpose that Post Status serves. It started as a link…

WP Daily shuts down

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Brian Krogsgard
In an incredibly surprising move, WP Daily has closed its doors. In the 8bit post, John Saddington states, "it did not achieve the much larger global goals and strategy of our organization at this present time."

It’s time to take the WordPress 2013 survey

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Brian Krogsgard
The 2013 WordPress survey is now available. I highly recommend that anyone that uses WordPress in any capacity go take it. This survey is enormously helpful for at least three reasons: It helps those that influence the development of WordPress…

Show your personality on your website

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Brian Krogsgard
As I read this, I just kept nodding in agreement. On The Theme Foundry's blog, Drew Strojny does a great job of expressing why it's important to tell your story with your website. He also gives a few key tips…

Diversify your conference schedules

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Brian Krogsgard
Ben May advocates why WordPress enthusiasts should attend more conferences than just WordCamps. All of his points are worthwhile, but I especially like his note that it makes for a good opportunity to shoot down other web folks' misunderstandings of…

Known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns

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Brian Krogsgard
There are known knowns; there are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns; that is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things…
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