WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

A rising tide lifts all hosts…

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Dan Knauss
A rising tide lifts all hosts 🛥️ More WordPress news on the hosting and eCommerce front: GoDaddy has launched new WooCommerce extensions, which according to the press release are from GoDaddy's recent acquisition of SkyVerge. These extensions "increase the value…

Brad Dickason argues speed and responsiveness…

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Dan Knauss
Brad Dickason argues speed and responsiveness are the ultimate "killer features" that ultimately made the iPhone a success at launch. Speed in checkouts, in virtual reality, and design tools are examples Brad uses. With any product, we should keep in…

🎨 Lukas Oppermann writes about the…

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Dan Knauss
🎨 Lukas Oppermann writes about the more and less well-known benefits of design systems: "Knowing the benefits can be useful when you try to convince your management that a design system is not a waste of money. Or when you…

Andrea Middleton shares what she feels…

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Dan Knauss
Andrea Middleton shares what she feels are some missed business opportunities in the WordPress space. Because WordPress is open source, any solution or features a third-party developer sells can be added to WordPress Core. That means it's important for third-party…

WordPress 5.7 — What you need…

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Dan Knauss
WordPress 5.7 — What you need to know A lot of information aimed at developers was shared this week about the upcoming release of WordPress 5.7, which is scheduled to be released on March 9, 2021. 📅 The most important…

How Am I Bluehost to Live…

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Dan Knauss
How Am I Bluehost to Live Without You? POST STATUS SLACK EXCLUSIVE 🗨️ Morten Rand-Hendriksen noticed Bluehost appeared to be violating the WordPress Foundation's Trademark Policy by using the WordPress logo in an ad. A day later, Josepha Haden acknowledged…


Photo of author
Dan Knauss
POST STATUS SLACK EXCLUSIVE 🗨️ How Am I Bluehost to Live Without You? Morten Rand-Hendriksen noticed Bluehost appeared to be violating the WordPress Foundation's Trademark Policy by using the WordPress logo in an ad. A day later, Josepha Haden acknowledged…

The WordPress Community Team has new…

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Dan Knauss
The WordPress Community Team has new handbook pages that give guidance to meetup organizers who want to host in-person meetups in 2021. In the announcement about this update, Angela Jin writes: "As more people get vaccinated and regions are able…

Justin Ferriman asks the question (and…

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Dan Knauss
Justin Ferriman asks the question (and answers with his opinion) — should you use "WP" in your business brand? "There is no hard-set rule. It comes down to your primary industry and customer — which requires that you do ample…

Steve Burge interviewed Johannes Benz, the…

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Dan Knauss
Steve Burge interviewed Johannes Benz, the Managing Director of Raidboxes, a fast-growing WordPress hosting company. Based in Germany, they are doubling every year and adding nearly 1,000 customers per month. 💻

Upcoming Events 📆 WordCamp India 2021…

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Dan Knauss
Upcoming Events 📆 WordCamp India 2021 is still taking place — this is the final weekend, February 13-14. There is a WordPress "Mega Meetup" coming up on February 18th at 6:30 pm (ET). It will be focused on static sites,…

This is a security nightmare: a…

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Dan Knauss
This is a security nightmare: a researcher managed to breach over 35 major companies' internal systems (including Microsoft, Apple, PayPal, Shopify, and more) in a software supply chain attack. 😱 The attack comprised uploading malware to open source repositories including…

🎯 Eric Karkovack explains why focusing…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
🎯 Eric Karkovack explains why focusing on long-term goals is so difficult: "Running a business often means dividing your focus... The irony is that long-term goals are what ensures that your design business will still be around years from now.…

🤝 Joining some recent #club conversations…

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Dan Knauss
🤝 Joining some recent #club conversations in Post Status' Slack, Matt Mullenweg responded to a question involving acquisitions: "Automattic is also an active buyer and investor — happy to bring the entire team on if the best path is acquisition,…

🏗️ Steve Benjamins from SiteBuilderReport shares…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
🏗️ Steve Benjamins from SiteBuilderReport shares some trends and market share data from 2020 for web builders. Market Share: Wix and Squarespace continue to be the market leaders, although their share of the market fell to 53% from 56% in…
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