
This is everything we publish that’s fit for a WordPress-focused RSS feed.

What is a WordPress developer?

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Dan Knauss
That was the question on an episode of Woo DevChat with Ebonie Butler, Lisa Canini, Robbie Adair, and Kathy Zant. It's an interesting to compare their views and experiences with the ones shared by Zach Stepek, Till Krüss, and Carl…

Post Status Picks for the Week of August 29

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Dan Knauss
Building an empire on free code: Matt talks WordPress outside the bubble. James Kemp, Anh Tran, and Phil Webster on WooCommerce options for licensing. Adam Silver on testimonials that help you grow. Anne Bovelett on accessibility and page builders. Jamie Marsland wonders if people building third-party plugins for the block editor have been too preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to ask if they should. Are they heading in the wrong direction?

Writing is a Challenging But Needed Profession in WordPress

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Eric Karkovack
The WordPress project, software, and community are equally important. They all play a role in ensuring growth, progress, and success. A sizeable economy of users, builders, and business owners depends on it. That’s why staying informed is vital. And so much of the reporting and learning opportunities come from unofficial sources. We need more people within the WordPress community who are interested in writing and more places to amplify their voices.

The $500 Website

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
A decade ago, Chris Butler's survey and report for Newfangled provided other agencies with the numbers that meaningfully define their market. WordPress agencies and freelancers could use something similar today.

Naming is Hard: Content Types on Learn WordPress

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Based on a public discussion led by Hugh Lashbrooke, Workshops (5-15 minute instructional videos) are going to be called Tutorials, moving forward while Social Learning Spaces (live and collaborative learning sessions) have become Online Workshops. No change to Courses (long-form…

Naming is Hard: Social and Schema Images

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
This was a neat post from Joost de Valk back in July where he did some thinking out loud about the challenges of naming in image standards to distinguish between featured and poster images on social networks: I’ve been…

Tech Roundup for the Week of August 22

Photo of author
Daniel Schutzsmith
DigitalOcean's acquisition of Cloudways • Stop saying "Gutenberg!" • Build Mode Live with Brian Gardner and Sam Munoz • One week left to submit a style variation for TT3 • Cool Tool of the Week: Munir Kamal's Editor Plus

Post Status Picks for the Week of August 22

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
How to hire or build a diverse team with @Piccia and @UnderRepdInTech • @BobWP on FftF • @heyadamsilver reviews @ForumWP on @kitchensinkwp • @MasterWP on burnout and breaks w/ @Ny_the_Creator • The All Star FSE Outreach Team has a Hallway Hangout on block theming • @TheWPMinute with all the news in 3 minutes and 46 seconds.
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