
Design in (and with) WordPress.

You are valuable

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Brian Krogsgard
The keys to being valuable: Be open. Be honest. Be willing. Be passionate. Result: Be valuable. Be employed. WordPress continues its dominance as a CMS. This is an obvious statement if you look at statistics for sites that use WordPress, but…

Productivity in a design agency

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Paper Leaf does mostly WordPress-centric design and development. Jeff Archibald shared an infographic with their productive breakdown: hours logged billable versus non-billable, projects won, etc. My favorite part was the breakdown of tasks in the hours that were logged. I've…

Redesign versus realign

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Nathan Barry discusses the benefits of simple "realignments" in website design versus (potentially) unnecessary full redesigns. That’s something I’ve heard a lot: if something isn’t good enough, it’s time to redo it. Sometimes that’s necessary, but more often you should…

The results of a $50,000 redesign

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
This isn't WordPress-specific, but Andrew Youderian wrote an outstanding case study of his company's $50,000 redesign. The redesign is for an eCommerce company and includes more than just the website design -- it's branding, migration from Magento to Shopify, and…

Theme design for developers

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Yes! This is important. I get really worked up when I see basic concepts of design ignored by developers. I mean, I'm not a great designer by any means, but we can all learn a few things. Here are some…


Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Keep an eye on Cedaro, the general purpose "playground" by the folks of Blazer Six. I discovered Cedaro last week using magic tricks, and asked Brady Vercher about the project. We enjoy the technical aspects of design and development, so…

Layers, by Obox, introduces a beautiful page building interface

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Layers is the latest WordPress theme with page building as the core feature. Obox has made a heck of an effort to ship 1.0, and while I have some issues, I'm incredibly impressed with the overall user experience. I think Obox has created something that's worth checking out, though I think this market has plenty of maturing to do yet.

Pickle is another WordPress restaurant solution

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Pickle is a project by Jason Schuller that offers both a hosted and self-hosted solution for WordPress restaurants. It's heavily focused on design and simplicity. I can't help but wonder why there is so much focus on restaurants in this space.…

The commoditized state of web design

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
There has been a great deal of talk in general web design circles regarding what some call the commoditization of web design. I have many opinions on this, but they boil down to the part where I feel some agencies…

A small Medium experiment

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
I wrote my first post on Medium today. I wanted to see what the hype is about (late to the party, I know), and compare it to what I know and love about publishing with WordPress.

A new look and a new domain

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
The new Post Status design is an alpha, but I wanted to show readers as soon as I could. Also, the site has a new domain and utilizes HTTPS everywhere. A lot has gone into it so far, and there is much left to do.
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