
Cool tools and tech talk for designers, developers, and engineers working with WordPress.

Access external WordPress data

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Brian Krogsgard
Zach Schnackel gives an example of an interesting use case for WordPress. He wants access to some WordPress functions, but doesn't really want to use the WordPress theming system or load most of WordPress itself.

Simple changes, big results

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Brian Krogsgard
Design is about much more than art. In this interesting case study from Visual Website Optimizer, they highlight an eCommerce store that achieved a 56.43% increase in revenue by removing a mega-dropdown menu and replaced it with a category landing… acquired BlogDroid

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Brian Krogsgard, the oldest managed WordPress hosting provider, has acquired BlogDroid. BlogDroid is a newer player in the WordPress managed hosting market. According to's blog post, it was an all cash deal for the acquisition.

Designing in the browser

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Brian Krogsgard
Designing in the browser has been talked about by many industry leading designers. Here are some tips on how to to make in-browser design a little bit easier.

Seriously awesome tutorial on Git branching

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Curtis McHale
It's a given that you need to know SVN to work with WordPress, but more and more developers are starting to use Git. If you're just starting out then here is an awesome interactive tutorial on Git branching.

How to build websites your customers will love

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Brian Krogsgard
I've really been enjoying Help Scout's blog the past few months. In a recent post, they give a bunch of good advice on tips for designing websites that appeal, achieve goals, and make your visitors happy. Be sure to check…

What’s your WordPress job title?

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Brian Krogsgard
Job titles can be confusing. If you've ever tried to hire a WordPress consultant to build you a website, or you've had inquiries about your services, you've likely encountered some level of confusion trying to decipher what an individual (or…

How much are the big WordPress companies making?

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Brian Krogsgard
It's a question many of us have pondered. Just how much money do these "big" WordPress product companies make? WooThemes, Copyblogger (makers of StudioPress), Gravity Forms, WP Engine, Sucuri, and many more companies are clearly making significant revenues compared to… launches MP6 dashboard redesign

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Brian Krogsgard has launched the MP6 dashboard redesign to everyone this morning. The comments on Matt Thomas' announcement post are pretty enlightening as to how regular folks feel, and also a bit entertaining. In short, most are happy and some are…

Local development tips for WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
Jon Brown has a very nice post up on his blog with some tips for better local development with WordPress. There are a lot of ways to go about this, but I like the way Jon organizes things. h/t Ben…

You probably don’t need do_shortcode()

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Brian Krogsgard
Konstantin Kovshenin brought up a good point on his blog, that we should be avoiding do_shortcode() if we can easily use the callback directly. Using the callback function directly prevents WordPress from invoking the shortcode regex that parses shortcode strings.…
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